Aug 9, 2017, 11:37 AM
I love the look of this Pokemon, but not as a dusk form. I also don't quite see the point for this form for the reason that Lycanroc already has two forms (midday and midnight). Lycanroc midday is already the fastest rock type in the game (besides Aerodactyl but debating JUST rock type, Lycanroc wins) and Lycanroc midnight has high attack, I don't quite know what they want to accomplish considering both forms are only rock. They also didn't even try to combine the two looks of midday and midnight, they just changed the color of the midday form to orange. So what more could they do with another Lycanroc anyways beside giving it another type or a different specail ablity? I hope for when newer pokemon are revealed, older pokemon are not reused. I'm ready to see something new in Ultra Sun and Moon.