I really love Talonflame. I started using it as an egghatcher mon in various games, and next thing I know, I have 3 at level one hundred... ^^; (Including one sparkly.) My favorite one is still Arrow, with his bad nature, common ability, ugly ball, regular colors, and abysmal stats. He's helped me to hatch many an egg! Arrow the Talonflame is my pokemon Ugly Valentine. He also looks like redtail/Cooper's hawks, which are sort of special to me. They live in our area and my father insists that they're fortunate to see (but I don't know if his whole tribe thinks that, or just him.)
Ho-oh is magnificent, too. Catching her was the high point of Gold, my favorite game back in the day! She's so mysterious and rare and pretty and otherworldly. The fact that she can learn like any tm besides ice and water ones also helps.
Ho-oh is magnificent, too. Catching her was the high point of Gold, my favorite game back in the day! She's so mysterious and rare and pretty and otherworldly. The fact that she can learn like any tm besides ice and water ones also helps.