Feb 1, 2018, 04:39 PM
@Dova Heatmor can't be in a fast ball
@bloodstains4 Kyurem can't be traded when it's fused
@Keith_Kuruzu Ditto can't be shiny
@Gustvius Kangaskhan can't have relearn moves and can't be in a heavy ball, groudon can't have relearn moves, tornadus can't have relearn moves.
@Pokeballsohard Rowap berry is unreleased
@Theoapo Cresselia can't have 0 Atk IVs and HP ground.
@bloodstains4 Kyurem can't be traded when it's fused
@Keith_Kuruzu Ditto can't be shiny
@Gustvius Kangaskhan can't have relearn moves and can't be in a heavy ball, groudon can't have relearn moves, tornadus can't have relearn moves.
@Pokeballsohard Rowap berry is unreleased
@Theoapo Cresselia can't have 0 Atk IVs and HP ground.