Jan 9, 2015, 11:24 PM
I feel like a 0Spe Nidoking on a TR team would wreck.
Regarding your build, flamethrower is a little redundant since Earth Power will do just as well and is STAB.
Nidoking also has access to Icy Wind now which could be useful for speed control. It won't kill Garchomp and will only have an 18.8% chance of an OHKO on Salamence using Life Orb so you're certainly not using Icy Wind as offensive. Still, speed control is nice, especially with 85 base speed.
Regarding your build, flamethrower is a little redundant since Earth Power will do just as well and is STAB.
Nidoking also has access to Icy Wind now which could be useful for speed control. It won't kill Garchomp and will only have an 18.8% chance of an OHKO on Salamence using Life Orb so you're certainly not using Icy Wind as offensive. Still, speed control is nice, especially with 85 base speed.