Jan 14, 2015, 09:03 PM
I echo the fact that Trick Room isn't effective as a move for this team. Moonlight is cool, but it would be more advantageous on a sun team. I suggest the following Cresselia moveset:
Icy Wind
Helping Hand
I don't like being locked into one offensive move on a taunt which is why I like Moonblast and Psychic, but if you want Swagger then Moonblast is the move to sacrifice because you get STAB with Psychic. What is the 112 DEF EVs for? I think 100 survives every threat, no?
Icy Wind
Helping Hand
I don't like being locked into one offensive move on a taunt which is why I like Moonblast and Psychic, but if you want Swagger then Moonblast is the move to sacrifice because you get STAB with Psychic. What is the 112 DEF EVs for? I think 100 survives every threat, no?