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What do other fans want out of Pokemon games.
(Jan 23, 2015, 12:45 PM)IceyGamer Wrote: There is all kinds of stuff that I would like but I think that would be getting greedy with it and wanting as much as you can get. With them limiting on how much new things we get every game it makes it special for us. If they just slammed everything into one game that would soon enough become out dated and they have no new ideas then the game becomes boring.

I get what you mean. They would run out of ideas quite fast if they tried to rapidly change things and cram a bunch of things into one game... However, they don't explore the ideas they introduce themselves. :/
I could of course be looking to hard to this game series now that I think about...

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RE: What do other fans want out of Pokemon games. - by MasterImpsy - Jan 23, 2015, 01:07 PM

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