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[VGC] Rogue & Naitre's Trick Room team (Peaked @ 1400 + ELO)
This team so anti meta with most opposing teams using speed control (tailwind, t-wave, icy wind) not to mention all the Kangs, Terrakions, Bisharp, Sylveons, Cresselias, and other somewhat standard things running amok now. Like you said mega heracross can ohko consiberable amount of the metagame with the obvious exception of mons like Mence, Brave Bird, and Char Y. Congratulations on the peak. Btw where's this guy?

[Image: 2999190131_1_8_0FxdqOQp.gif]

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RE: Rogue & Naitre's Trick Room team (Peaked @ 1400 + ELO) - by Black117 - Jan 28, 2015, 08:00 PM

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