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[VGC] Underrated VGC threats
Ugh, I misread the thread title Sad

1. Cobalion: - Has access to two great attacking STABs plus it has a good defensive typing. Not to mention it can be ran both physical and special
2. Mega Lucario: - This thing outspeeds the likes of Terrakion and Kangaskhan and nukes everything in its path with an Adaptability Close Combat if they do not resist it. Really hard to safely switch in on unless you outspeed or possess Mach Punch
3. Clefairy: - It has Friend Guard, Follow Me support and a good amount of support moves. Aside from Knock Off being a thing, this Poke can live long enough to make an impact
4. Mega Medicham: - Caps a decent base 100 speed, even after getting burnt or Intimidated it has a 154 max attack stat (when Jolly) to work with plus Access to Fake Out, Quick Guard and a wide offensive movepool that makes it seemingly unpredictable
5. Aerodactyl: - The Unnerve ability on this thing is very underrated plus it has access to Wide Guard to wall out Landorus and Sky Drop to throw the opponent off and stop Trick Room set ups for a turn. Plus a fast Rock Slide can be clutch
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Messages In This Thread
Underrated VGC threats - by Heavy - Apr 20, 2015, 02:20 PM
RE: Underrated VGC threats - by Marcusube - Apr 20, 2015, 04:29 PM
RE: Underrated VGC threats - by z2porygon - Apr 20, 2015, 06:23 PM
RE: Underrated VGC threats - by GiMYz - Apr 21, 2015, 08:24 AM
RE: Underrated VGC threats - by Marcusube - Apr 21, 2015, 02:33 PM

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