I have been doing a lot of breeding recently and I have gotten some extra pretty good pokemon and best of all they are 100% FREE each person can get 1 6iv pokemon or 2 5iv pokemon these are all legit and kalos bred
So here are the pokemon I am giveing away
5iv pokemon
eevee Modest Anticipation EM Covet/Wish ivs 31/xx/31/31/31/31
eevee Jolly Adaptability EM Helping Hand ivs 31/xx/31/31/31/31
smeargle Calm Own Tempo ivs 31/31/31/31/31/xx
charmander modest Blaze ivs 31/xx/31/31/31/31 2
Chimchar Adamant Iron Fist EM Fire Punch\Thunder Punch 2 ivs 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Kangaskhan Adamant Scrappy 2 ivs 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Feebas Modest Oblivious EM ConfuseRay\Hypnosis\MirrorCoat\DragonBreath ivs 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Axew Bold Rivalry EM Iron Tail 2 ivs 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Tyrogue Adamant Steadfast EM HelpingHand\FakeOut\Foresight\MachPunch ivs 31/31/31/xx/31/31
6iv pokemon
Axew Bold Rivalry EM Iron Tail
Kangaskhan Adamant Scrappy
Charmander Modest Blaze
Just put a comment saying the pokemon you want your FC and IGN
I will update the list often
So here are the pokemon I am giveing away
5iv pokemon
eevee Modest Anticipation EM Covet/Wish ivs 31/xx/31/31/31/31
eevee Jolly Adaptability EM Helping Hand ivs 31/xx/31/31/31/31
smeargle Calm Own Tempo ivs 31/31/31/31/31/xx
charmander modest Blaze ivs 31/xx/31/31/31/31 2
Chimchar Adamant Iron Fist EM Fire Punch\Thunder Punch 2 ivs 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Kangaskhan Adamant Scrappy 2 ivs 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Feebas Modest Oblivious EM ConfuseRay\Hypnosis\MirrorCoat\DragonBreath ivs 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Axew Bold Rivalry EM Iron Tail 2 ivs 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Tyrogue Adamant Steadfast EM HelpingHand\FakeOut\Foresight\MachPunch ivs 31/31/31/xx/31/31
6iv pokemon
Axew Bold Rivalry EM Iron Tail
Kangaskhan Adamant Scrappy
Charmander Modest Blaze
Just put a comment saying the pokemon you want your FC and IGN
I will update the list often