May 16, 2015, 08:13 AM
This team is going to have issues with Pokemon such as Thundurus, Rotom-W, Swords of Justice (Virizion and Terrakion), Landorus-T and Aegislash.
Your team on paper lacks a lot of synergy and doesn't have much control over speed. The majority of your team gets outsped by mid ranged Pokemon that hit hard such as Kangaskhan, Bisharp and Breloom.
Thundurus is good here. You can also run Swagger over Taunt since it provides better support. All Taunt does is shut down status moves but Swagger can stop attackers in their tracks.
Slowbro has very bulky stats. Spread its EVs to take advantage of its defenses so it can tank Hyper Voices from Sylveon, Double Edge from Kangaskhan and all other strong hits. There is no point in trying to run set up moves like Amnesia in VGC. VGC matches run very fast and not only that but the opponent will most likely double target Slowbro or just aim for its defense stat instead of its SpDef. For a team like this, I would recommend running Trick Room over Amnesia. Since most of your team mates are slow as it is, it would be perfect.
This spread allows you to take 2 Double Edge from Kangaskhan, survive a Shadow Ball from an Aegislash and a Thunderbolt from Thundurus, both at max SpA.
The set you have there for Sylveon would work better with Choice Specs, but for this case, here is a Sylveon build that works effectively in VGC
This EV spread maximizes on your SpA while allowing you to survive Life Orb Scizor's Bullet Punch which is a milestone in VGC since it is the most common counter for Sylveon.
Choice Banded Arcanine doesn't really work well in VGC not to mention running Flash Fire over Intimidate. A support Arcanine would be good for this team for it can remove threats to Sylveon and Slowbro while keeping an offensive presence.
This EV spread is to survive a Hydro Pump from 60 EVs Rotom-Wash, it allows Arcanine to outspeed max speed Jolly Breloom and it takes Physical attacks relatively well. Snarl cuts the Special Attack stat of Rotom-Wash, Bulldoze drops the speed of your opponents so your slower Pokemon can have a chance to attack first and Heat Wave is for taking out threats such as Scizor, Bisharp, Breloom and Amoonguss.
I suggest taking out Tyranitar and using Amoonguss instead. Redirection is key to running a Trick Room team since you can stop the setter from getting knocked out. Also Amoonguss resists everything that comes in Mega Slowbro's way except for Dark types. Spore would really help in disabling Pokemon such as Thundurus, Landorus and pretty much everything that threatens your Thundurus/Slowbro/Sylveon core.
It would be more practical to run Swampert over Ferrothorn since you'll get Wide Guard support plus two great STAB moves.
The only issue here is that there is a bit of imbalance where there are a lot more Special Attackers on this team than Physical ones.
This isn't a bad start for a VGC team, the only issue really is the sets and how the team works together to achieve what it is intended to.
Your team on paper lacks a lot of synergy and doesn't have much control over speed. The majority of your team gets outsped by mid ranged Pokemon that hit hard such as Kangaskhan, Bisharp and Breloom.
Thundurus is good here. You can also run Swagger over Taunt since it provides better support. All Taunt does is shut down status moves but Swagger can stop attackers in their tracks.
Slowbro has very bulky stats. Spread its EVs to take advantage of its defenses so it can tank Hyper Voices from Sylveon, Double Edge from Kangaskhan and all other strong hits. There is no point in trying to run set up moves like Amnesia in VGC. VGC matches run very fast and not only that but the opponent will most likely double target Slowbro or just aim for its defense stat instead of its SpDef. For a team like this, I would recommend running Trick Room over Amnesia. Since most of your team mates are slow as it is, it would be perfect.
This spread allows you to take 2 Double Edge from Kangaskhan, survive a Shadow Ball from an Aegislash and a Thunderbolt from Thundurus, both at max SpA.
The set you have there for Sylveon would work better with Choice Specs, but for this case, here is a Sylveon build that works effectively in VGC
This EV spread maximizes on your SpA while allowing you to survive Life Orb Scizor's Bullet Punch which is a milestone in VGC since it is the most common counter for Sylveon.
Choice Banded Arcanine doesn't really work well in VGC not to mention running Flash Fire over Intimidate. A support Arcanine would be good for this team for it can remove threats to Sylveon and Slowbro while keeping an offensive presence.
This EV spread is to survive a Hydro Pump from 60 EVs Rotom-Wash, it allows Arcanine to outspeed max speed Jolly Breloom and it takes Physical attacks relatively well. Snarl cuts the Special Attack stat of Rotom-Wash, Bulldoze drops the speed of your opponents so your slower Pokemon can have a chance to attack first and Heat Wave is for taking out threats such as Scizor, Bisharp, Breloom and Amoonguss.
I suggest taking out Tyranitar and using Amoonguss instead. Redirection is key to running a Trick Room team since you can stop the setter from getting knocked out. Also Amoonguss resists everything that comes in Mega Slowbro's way except for Dark types. Spore would really help in disabling Pokemon such as Thundurus, Landorus and pretty much everything that threatens your Thundurus/Slowbro/Sylveon core.
It would be more practical to run Swampert over Ferrothorn since you'll get Wide Guard support plus two great STAB moves.
The only issue here is that there is a bit of imbalance where there are a lot more Special Attackers on this team than Physical ones.
This isn't a bad start for a VGC team, the only issue really is the sets and how the team works together to achieve what it is intended to.
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