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[RATE MY TEAM] Idea for Sp.Wall Empoleon
I have an idea for speacial wall Empoleon and I am asking for your oppinion if it's no big deal.

Yawn; this is a move which forces out my opponent out or has them stay in fall asleep
Stealth rock; this will make it a great Opening pokemon. Also a great combo with Yawn, if they do switch out they will get hurt by stealth rocks... Or if I yawn first turn and they do decide to switch out, I get free set up.
Protect; primaraly for scouting, I can see one of the pokemons moves or a trick they are trying to make so i can plan my next move.
Flash cannon/Scald/Hydro Pump; All three moves are stab, each have a use to it. Flash cannon lowers Sp Def, Scald for burn (that is if they can't get Yawned of course) and Hydro Pump for just pure power.

Item: Sitrus Berry

Nature: Calm

EV 252 HP 252 Sp.def

I would love some feed back from you guys if that is no hassle what can I Improve. Thank you

Messages In This Thread
Idea for Sp.Wall Empoleon - by Curtistharder - Jun 7, 2015, 11:06 AM
RE: Idea for Sp.Wall Empoleon - by Marcusube - Jun 7, 2015, 12:11 PM
RE: Idea for Sp.Wall Empoleon - by Curtistharder - Jun 7, 2015, 12:46 PM
RE: Idea for Sp.Wall Empoleon - by GiMYz - Jun 7, 2015, 12:56 PM
RE: Idea for Sp.Wall Empoleon - by Curtistharder - Jun 7, 2015, 01:06 PM
RE: Idea for Sp.Wall Empoleon - by GiMYz - Jun 7, 2015, 01:14 PM
RE: Idea for Sp.Wall Empoleon - by MyNamesG - Jun 7, 2015, 12:51 PM
RE: Idea for Sp.Wall Empoleon - by Curtistharder - Jun 7, 2015, 01:03 PM

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