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[VGC] Pokemon Nationals; What Do You Expect To See?
Honestly, it's almost impossible to counter them. You have to factor in the other 4 pokemon they could have brought. Sure I can come up with some sort of perfect scenario like "They lead thundurus and Landorus, and I lead terrakion and Rotom-W. Rotom Hydro pumps Lando and Terrakion stone edges thundurus" But there's too many scenarios where it could go wrong. Say you miss both hydro and stone edge. Thundurus t-waves terrakion and Lando knocks off Rotom. Or say you will-o with rotom and you have a lum on your terrakion. Then what if Lando is scarfed, pops off an EQ to take out Terrakion; and thundurus taunts Rotom?

No matter what scenario in, they can technically always one up you. You can try the ice route to take out Lando, but a lot of players run Yache berry. Plus most mons with ice beam can be taken out by Landos vast movepool. Latios for example. Gets hit by Knock off/U-Turn. Suicune has ice beam, but that just makes Thundurus have a positive MU against you. Sure you can scarf something. But Thundurus could always thunder wave you or Lando could be scarfed himself. In the right hands of a competitive player with a strong team with mons like heatran/M-Kang, it's basically impossible to hard counter them without taking some losses/big damage.

Plus, if you focus too much on countering Lando/Thundur your team won't be good. It's more than just the amazing pressure these two give. It's about how easy it is to pivot into your other members. You take them both out but take damage from EQ/Get T-waved? M-Kang sweeps. You outspeed Lando and have Ice beam and a strong rock slide user? They switch into aegislash, wide guard your rock slide, and let thundurus t-wave play you.

Trust me, against a top player these mons are pretty stupid. But then again, leading Lando/Thundur is seen as scumbag move like dark void smeargle. so we may not see a lot of it.
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RE: Pokemon Nationals; What Do You Expect To See? - by Rogue - Jun 22, 2015, 02:38 PM

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