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[VGC] Pokemon Nationals; What Do You Expect To See?
(Jun 22, 2015, 04:21 PM)Rogue Wrote: Bisharp

This. Prevention is better than cure. If you have Bisharp or (even better) Milotic, i'd assume there's no way the opponent is going to lead with Land-T, unless he is really sure to have way to stop a +2 SpA Milotic before taking too much unnecessary damage.

Team Preview does so much work if used correctly.. In a event such as a National i would always focus on building a solid looking team with more than one safe lead duo, just to put a lot of pressure on the opponent and play with timer and mind even before the battle starts. Anyway one shouldn't overestimate Team Preview power.. for example i've seen a lot of teams really weak to Choice Scarf Land-T just slapping a Milotic on their team only to scare it off from Team Preview.. it doesn't work this way: a decent player will always notice this flaw and he will bring Land-T in the back with the main objective of dealing with Milotic as soon as possible so that Landorus, at that point, can do what it wants.

Regarding the Conkeldurr + Cresselia lead, i think we should also consider the mind games for a possible Trick Room setup. I think that Thundurus would always go for the Taunt play on Cress, otherwise it would allow the opponent gaining too much momentum. If we talk about Scrafty, this pokemon offers Intimidate + Fake Out which puts both Lando-T and Thundy in the weird condition of not knowing who is gonna be the target, what Cresselia is going to do and so on.

There are a lot of other conjectures.. but Pokemon wouldn't be such an amazing competitive game if it wasn't for these countless combinations that we are trying to analyze :P

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RE: Pokemon Nationals; What Do You Expect To See? - by GiMYz - Jun 22, 2015, 06:02 PM

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