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[VGC] Pokemon Nationals; What Do You Expect To See?
(Jun 28, 2015, 10:28 PM)ashketchum116 Wrote: why has no one mentioned milotic? one of, if not the best counter to the double genie lead.
Gains +2 SpA from lando's intimidate with its competitive ability, and give it a sitrus berry and thundurus' thunderbolt is a 3 hit KO with the right investment, and milotic can OHKO back with icy wind/ice beam. Literally the perfect counter and provides the 'bulky water type' that most teams desire while still being a threat offensively.
I always run it on all my teams just for that fact
My team currently is: thundy, lando, M-Kang, Milotic, Aegislash and amoonguss

Because things like Rotom/Venusaur just beat it out right. Milotic isn't bad at all, like I said there's lots of things that can do decently/good against them. But yache landorus is common/lives the plus 2 ice beam on a bulky spread and the two together can double up on milotic for the KO. I've actually just stopped trying to counter the two. I just build with mons that aren't necessarily weak to them and beat them that way. I feel like it works better because a lot of teams build around to protect the double genies, so they account for things like milotic/terrakion/etc that can specifically hurt one.
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RE: Pokemon Nationals; What Do You Expect To See? - by Rogue - Jun 28, 2015, 10:56 PM

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