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[ORAS VGC] Need Your Kind Assistance Please
I agree with Hojunhu, you need another physical attacker and something else to deal with Fairy types: Scizor does that job. You can choose between Life Orb or Lum Berry imo. I would use an Adamant nature to boost its attack because Scizor doesn't need to outspeed anything in particular having access to priority Bullet Punch.

I would use a Timid Nature on M-Salamence to outspeed Terrakion and Gengar (you always have Helping Hand support from Clefairy to compensate for the lack of damage output between a Timid and a Modest nature, but outspeeding these threats is more important since you don't want to take a Rock Slide from Terrakion or an Icy Wind from Gengar before you can hit them with Hyper Voice).

You don't have an easy way to KO bulky water types such as Suicune or Milotic but you can rely on AV Conkeldurr and Aegislash to do this job.

Well built team in general. Good luck.

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RE: [ORAS VGC] Need Your Kind Assistance Please - by GiMYz - Jul 2, 2015, 07:51 AM

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