IGN : Brendan
FC : 4656 9467 6827
I really need ,
deino IVs Hp-31 Atk-x Def-31 SpAtk-31 SpDef-31 Spe-31
bagon IVs HP-31 Atk-31 Def-31 SpAtk-x SpDef-31 Spe-31
gible IVs HP-31 Atk-31 Def-31 SpAtk-x SpDef-31 Spe-31
Thank you so much man u rock :D
(If there is a limit for the giveaway importance order is deino-bagon-gible.)
FC : 4656 9467 6827
I really need ,
deino IVs Hp-31 Atk-x Def-31 SpAtk-31 SpDef-31 Spe-31
bagon IVs HP-31 Atk-31 Def-31 SpAtk-x SpDef-31 Spe-31
gible IVs HP-31 Atk-31 Def-31 SpAtk-x SpDef-31 Spe-31
Thank you so much man u rock :D
(If there is a limit for the giveaway importance order is deino-bagon-gible.)