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[REQUEST] Sun team for battlespot doubles. advice needed
I like Aegislash for this team. It provides answers to fairies and Cresslia, as well as Metagross which can be annoying if your Charizard is weakened. It also fairs pretty well vs rain.

An option you should probably take in to consideration is double Mega. For teams that are weak to sun mode, you can mega Charizard and abuse Venusaur's Chlorophyll, while for Match ups that Sun struggles with, Mega Venusaur often fairs pretty well. People will normally over prepare for a sun mode, often leading them to be rather weak to Mega Venusaur. For this, I would recommend at least 60 speed EVs to outspeed Scarf Landorus-T in the Sun. If you do choose this option, I would choose sleep powder as being able to outspeed a Pokemon and put them to sleep in the Sun (assuming you hit) can prove to be invaluable. Obviously this comes at the cost of your item, and being forced to run a more bulky Venusaur meaning you may not pick up important KOs that you otherwise could. Other options are Life Orb, Focus Sash and Wide Lens (Assuming you are running Sleep Powder).

An option I like for fast Ice-type STAB is Scarf Mamoswine. While not particularly bulky and its success being rather matchup based, it is a great option against Lando, Thundy and Mega Mence. It is also able to freely EQ next to Rotom and Charizard, being able to deal out Heatran. If you were to use Mamo it would probably need to replace Landorus.

For a final mon, I would suggest something with Speed control as Charizard isn't the fastest of Pokemon and other than Venu in te sun and Scarf Mamoswine, your team is fairly slow. I would also recommend something that has a decent matchup versus  Talonflame. While Rotom has a good matchup against it, it's priority Brave bird can Nuke a lot of your team. I like Cresselia because of its massive bulk, ability to get crucial chip damage damage with psychic, access to Thunder Wave for a permanent form of speed control. It also appreciates the Sun if you intend you use Moonlight for recovery.

These are just suggestions and I haven't tested any of this. If you do try any of these, test it out and try to cover any weaknesses you find.

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RE: Sun team for battlespot doubles. advice needed - by RebornFX - Oct 10, 2015, 02:04 PM

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