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Rate my VGC team :)
Hey sorry for the formatting, this is my first time putting a team on here probably should have read the rules (facepalm)

I usually lead with clefairy for support and aerodactyl for tailwind and a possible taunt setup. Clefairy is an absolute savage giving helping hand, follow me support while dealing out decent chip damage with moonblast.   Rotom and Aegislash are usually my pivots/revenge killers, but if I see any lead that they wall then I lead with one or both of them.  Gallade and Mega Salamence are my late/mid sweepers that don't have the best bulk but can hit hard to get OHKOs or Two hit KOs.  Honestly these roles all depend on what team I'm up against and every pokemon (except aerodactyl) can switch roles and be successful.  I've experimented with Mega Gallade but I found it in an awkward speed tier and usually gets OHKO'd or two KO'd by a faster pokemon.  I want to run two megas on this team so if you have suggestions let me know. Smile All these pokemon are 4-5ivs in what they need Ex: Salamence has max ivs in Hp, Spttack, Spdef, and Speed

I have a pretty aggressive playing style, I'm not afraid of taking a little damage to get a KO, but of course I'm not reckless and will play around a pokemon when necessary.

Thanks again!!!

Messages In This Thread
Rate my VGC team :) - by treeface27 - Oct 22, 2015, 06:48 AM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by Delta - Oct 22, 2015, 07:17 AM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by bradar485 - Oct 22, 2015, 08:21 AM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by Slec - Oct 22, 2015, 08:50 AM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by Pokeventurer - Oct 22, 2015, 01:19 PM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by bradar485 - Oct 22, 2015, 02:39 PM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by treeface27 - Oct 22, 2015, 05:18 PM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by RebornFX - Oct 22, 2015, 05:26 PM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by treeface27 - Oct 22, 2015, 05:52 PM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by Jinzo - Oct 23, 2015, 04:37 PM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by bradar485 - Oct 23, 2015, 04:50 PM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by RebornFX - Oct 23, 2015, 05:06 PM
RE: Rate my VGC team :) - by Marcusube - Oct 23, 2015, 05:14 PM

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