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[IMPORTANT] Comment or 1000 years of bad luck + Rogue punches you in the face.
To be completely honest, the reason I keep coming back to the forums because you guys entertain me. Whenever a thread starts getting destroyed with funny stuff I just die of laughter. Also, you guys are like a second family and yall care about me <3 Tournaments are really fun as well.

The only thing that (at the time) kept me away was Justin not being present for a while he had the health problems :/

New things that could be added is a Fire Emblem Thread! Fates is coming out soon and I think it'd be nice to talk about Emblem stuff Kappa
I'm just here.


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RE: Comment or 1000 years of bad luck + Rogue punches you in the face. - by GingerxPug - Oct 31, 2015, 09:31 AM

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