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Two shiny Unova legends within 4 days!
4 days ago, I was very stunned by the fact that after 65 SR's, I got my first ever shiny legendary legitimately, it was a shiny Kyurem. I caught it and I haven't used it in battle yet because right after I started to shiny hunt for a shiny Zekrom.

Today, I got the shiny Zekrom at 1367 SR's. I caught it, and nicknamed it Carl. This is because during ohnickel's 235 hour marathon nickel nicknamed his shiny eevee Carl as well.

He is now SR'ing for a shiny Ho-Oh. I hope he gets it so that he can have two shinies in one day. He has a BIG chance to do this because its SHOINY SUNDAY!! But now the best part about getting a shiny Zekrom and Kyurem is that I can fuse them for a shiny Black Kyurem.

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Two shiny Unova legends within 4 days! - by AquaX101 - Nov 30, 2014, 04:02 PM

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