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[DISCUSSION] What Pokémon do you *believe may* come to join us in SW/SH? (+ Side Questions)
(Jun 10, 2019, 12:38 PM)booaz Wrote: Not really expecting this since gamefreak has no reason to add this, but my heart still desires Gorochu (cancelled Raichu evolution)

AYY AT LEAST DAS A GUD CHOICE! NOT SOMETHING UTTERLY STUPID! Moreso impossible but I mean I got what I asked for, what you want, even if never having a slight chance, that’s the best first choice I’ve seen. 

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RE: What Pokémon do you *believe may* come to join us in SW/SH? (+ Side Questions) - by Pwimawh_Kiogah - Jun 10, 2019, 12:44 PM

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