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[ANIME] Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend Of Korra
Avatar was amazing.  Best of it's generation and one of the best animated shows ever.   Toph was my favorite, but the two best moments in the series were held by Zuko.  When he confronted his father, and then when he confronted his sister.   That fight was quite possibly the best animated "super power" fight ever made.  It was epic, and their decision to score it the way they did was perfect.  The martial arts animation in that series was unreal.  

The biggest negative aspect of the show was that it was targeted at too young of an audience, and never really took death as seriously as it should have.  There's some really dark stuff going on in that story (like genocide), but you never actually see it happen.  The war is always something that happened in the past or is going on somewhere far away off camera.  A lot of events don't have quite the impact they should, because the viewer doesn't fully relate to the feelings of the characters involved.  The escaped water bender is one of many perfect examples.  That was a really dark moment, but the viewer was never conditioned to hate the fire nation enough to relate to her.  There's also Jet.  You're made to feel that he's the unreasonable one (long before the escaped water bender), but you might've felt differently if you'd been there with him when he learned to hate the fire nation. The Earth Kingdom Emperor is pretty much a metaphor for the audience itself, if you think about it.  The viewer is the one walled off from all the really horrible things that were going on.

As for Korra...watched the first episode when it came out and instantly regretted it.  

Not as much as I regretted letting myself get tricked into watching the Last Airbender movie.  I wanted out of that theater so bad in just the first 30 seconds, yet I sat their for every excruciating second of it.  Worst movie of all time? Considering the astronomical budget and the amazing source material it murders...yeah, it was the worst movie ever made.

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RE: Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend Of Korra - by sidewinderl - Jan 28, 2015, 11:37 PM

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