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Looking to join a sensible trading community
I am new here and generally not much of a forum user.  I'm looking to join a sensible Pokémon trading community.

When gen five came out I traded heavily over on Reddit.  Things went well there for a while.  When Japan finally got a female hidden ability Eevee I through a bunch of legendary Pokémon into the GTS until I pulled one and populated Reddit's trading community.  I built up to a full living dex.

As time passed the moderators there instituted more and more rules.  I wasn't trading frequently enough to keep up with the rules.  Each time I went to trade something with my post didn't match a new rule and would be taken down and need to be amended.  The trading community split into multiple groups.  I can trade old legendaries in group A since I cannot remember if I got them through a Reddit trade or a GTS trade, but there I cannot ask for specific stats ...

Overall, it became too bothersome to keep up with.  Then I saw a thejwittz youtube video suggesting this site.  I bookmarked it and have been intending to join for a while.  Here I am now.  I have a few shiny Pokémon that were either hatched while IV breeding with not quite the right stats, or ones that I ran across while EV training.

I have a living dex, many hidden abilities, and a hand-full of decent egg moves.  Hopefully, I will be able to offer some benefit to the community here.

Messages In This Thread
Looking to join a sensible trading community - by Kalraldun - Dec 5, 2015, 09:13 AM

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