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[BREEDJECTS] Black's Breeding Shop 2.1 Redux
Black's Breeding Shop 2.1 Redux

[Image: dracolosse.jpg]

Going to announce the grand opening of my breeding shop to the forums and to anyone on this site. Throughout this time, I'll be progressively updating my inventory of Breedjects (4 IV / 5 IV inperfect) and few perfect 5/6 IV viable offsprings on this thread open for trade. Note that given my schedule, committment to the site, and stuff IRL, I might not be able to trade with anyone "on" time. (Unless I'm online of course). Do have serveral kinds of Pokemon to trade with potential people here at the moment and the goal of this is so we can all help each other in exchanging breedjects and other valuable Pokemon. Will say that anyone in the "Breeding Alliance" will have priorty in certain Pokemon if there's low supply of a certain mon. Will take the time to resupply myself with certain "high-demand" Pokemon if I see any. With all that said, here's the list of Pokemon I have available with the number. 
List of Pokemon

[Image: jangmo_o_by_fishbowlsoul90-dah0m2p.png]

Jangmo-o  (x6)
Ability: Bulletproof / Soundproof
Adamant Nature  
- Tackle  

[Image: alolan_vulpix_sprite_by_fishbowlsoul90-dacg7sq.png]
Vulpix-Alola  (x5)
Ability: Snow Warning  
Timid Nature   
- Powder Snow  
- Moonblast  
- Freeze-Dry  
- Encore  

[Image: lapras.png]
Lapras  ( 8x )
Ability: Water Absorb  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Growl  
- Water Gun  
- Dragon Pulse  
- Freeze-Dry  

[Image: popplio_sprite_animation_by_snivy101-da3d4lj.gif]
Popplio ( 17x )
Ability: Torrent  
Modest Nature  
- Pound  
- Water Gun  

[Image: gible.png]
Gible  (x6)
Ability: Rough Skin  
Jolly Nature  
- Sand Tomb  
- Outrage  
- Iron Head  
- Dragon Breath  

[Image: mudbray_and_mudsdale_sprites_by_leparagon-daft9rw.png]
Mudbray  (x18)
Ability: Stamina  
- Body Slam  
- Double-Edge  
- Magnitude  
- Close Combat  

[Image: beldum.png]
Beldum (x7)
Ability: Clear Body  
Adamant Nature  
- Take Down  

[Image: growlithe.png]
Growlithe (x18)
Ability: Intimidate  
Adamant Nature  
- Burn Up  
- Flare Blitz  
- Morning Sun  
- Close Combat  

[Image: cubone.png]
Cubone  (x27)
Ability: Lightning Rod  
Adamant Nature  
- Ancient Power  
- Skull Bash  
- Iron Head  
- Perish Song  

[Image: torkoal.png]
Torkoal  (x6)
Ability: Drought
Quiet Nature  
- Eruption  
- Yawn  
- Clear Smog

[Image: bagon.png]
Bagon  (x7)
Ability: Rock Head  
Timid Nature  
- Dragon Pulse  
- Dragon Dance  
- Hydro Pump  
- Dragon Rush
Will update the thread with more new Pokemon as I get going throughout the next few weeks. PM me if you want to arrange a trade time, just note I'm from US Pacific (GMT: -8:00).  
i would like a popplio, how can we do the trade ?
(Dec 2, 2016, 03:13 PM)SoulPK Wrote: i would like a popplio, how can we do the trade ?

Well I am asking for breedjects Pokémon as well with some decent Ivs or egg moves in return. Do you have any to offer

would you accept HA pokemon that dont have good ivs?
(Dec 2, 2016, 03:18 PM)R2LSD2 Wrote: @Black117

would you accept HA pokemon that dont have good ivs?

What Pokemon will you be offering. It depends on how valuable they are.
(Dec 2, 2016, 03:15 PM)Black117 Wrote:
(Dec 2, 2016, 03:13 PM)SoulPK Wrote: i would like a popplio, how can we do the trade ?

Well I am asking for breedjects Pokémon as well with some decent Ivs or egg moves in return. Do you have any to offer

i am still trying to find a good ditto to start breeding so, nope ;-;
i have these

Regenerator(HA) Mareanie 
Snow warning(HA) vulpix (Freeze-dry,Moonblast,Encore)
Galvanize(HA) geodude (wide Guard,Rock Climb,Curse,Magnet Rise)
Slush rush(HA) Sandshrew
Steadfast(HA) Rockruff (Fire Fang,Thunderfang,sucker punch)
Harvest(HA) Exeggcute (leaf storm)
Contrary(HA) Fomantis
Battle Armor(HA) Cubone
@R2LSD2 The HA Mareanie, Slush Rush Sandslash, and Galvanize Geodude with egg moves interests me. What would you like from my inventory?
@Black117 Interested in the Mudbray and Growlithe.
@Haruna Will edit this post as I'll check what you got at your own thread.

Sorry about that edit. Alright Mimikyu and Pichu if you have them.

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