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[BREEDJECTS] Giving Away Various Breedjects (Sun/Moon)
Yeah, you can have a dratini. I will trade it when we ware both online at some point
Do you have a psyduck with it's hidden ability for trade?
Do you still want the breedjects? I will be online for a short while if you want to trade now since I noticed it says you are online.
I don't think I have one bred currently, I can breed one if you still need it but it would have to probably be tomorrow that I breed and trade it.
I also noticed wartty responded to you before so it is up to you whether you are getting it there. Wartty actually supplies me regularly with new hidden abilities for rare candies so I would definitly recommend his shop if there are a few other hidden abilities you need
(Oct 5, 2017, 01:49 PM)Tenebris_Kane Wrote: @Victuuri 
Do you still want the breedjects? I will be online for a short while if you want to trade now since I noticed it says you are online.

@Tenebris_Kane I'm ready

Ok, I am heading to plaza now
Ty! @Tenebris_Kane s Heart
Hi, I really like that non-Alolan Vulpix, Cyndaquil, Larvitar, Nincada, Bergmite, Omanyte, Gligar, Honedge, Swinub, Elecktrike, Larvesta, Combee, and Heracross. Its a huge list, and if you can't manage all that, I understand; I'm a breeder, too. I can offer intersting breedjects that you could add to this giveaway.
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
Larvesta, Togepi and Alolan Vulpix will be great to have them
Hi everyone, sorry some people seem to be waiting for a while until we are both online, I am having a very busy week at the minute with a lot going on IRL. In general I will be online most of thursday and will catch up with the 4 that have already made requests as well as any that appear between now and then if people are online.
I still need to hatch a couple of the eggs that are sitting there (unless you want to hatch them, they are in luxury balls already anyway) but other than that I am able to trade yours when you are ready with whatever you are trading me

If I see you online earlier I will trade the dratini, if not hopefully you will be online thursday at some point that I am as well

I can also trade yours at any time since they are already pre-prepared in the giveaway boxes of my PC storage

Since yours was a bigger list I will need to grab a few from bank to see what can be replaced and what I will run out of while trading but that is on my end so I will sort that and if not sooner as mentioned previously Thursday would be Ideal for trading
Also I forgot to initially add this to your bit, if you have any interesting breedjects I would be happy to take them in return, I will probably use them to breed for my battle collections and put the breedjects I get as additions to the giveaway since I plan on updating it soon anyway with new Pokémon

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