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Breeding and Genning Services
@Peridot3ds Im on
Can I get a Modest tapu lele
timid koko
careful bulu 
and modest fini
i had no idea this was still ongoing.... is it?
@Peridot3ds Thank you so much for continuring this :D Ive got a couple pokemon I wanted edited ~
Ive got a Kingler who needs perfect ivs adamant nature and the move knockoff in a Lure Ball
and a persian who also needs perfect ivs and a jolly nature, in a Level Ball
and ferrothorn wants Anticipation as its ability perfect ivs sassy nature, stealth rocks and leech seed, in a Dream/Pokeball
Plus a few others that can wait till later if you dont mind :3
Pokemon: Zorua and riolu
IVs: 6
Ability:steadfast(riolu) and Illusion(zoura)
EVs:I dont mind just keep them good please.
Level:1 to 10
Moves / egg moves:
riolu:Blaze Kick,Sky Uppercut,High Jump Kick,Detect
zoura:Detect,Extrasensory,Sucker Punch,Dark Pulse
edit:I got sniped if we can do a direct trade that would be great (my fc is on the corner)
Oh yeah zoura first then riolu
So sorry to keep missing you! I'm still hoping to make my Bulu Adamant and my Fini Modest, if you're around today...
To gen, please

Pokemon: Piplup
Level: 1
Item: N/A
Poke ball: Standard pokeball
Shiny: yes
Gender: Don't mind
IVs: Max in all (If possible)
EVs: 252 in SP ATT, 100 in DEF and 148 in SP DEF
Moves: Hydro Pump, Aqua Ring, Blizzard and Brine.

Message me when it's done and I'll put something on the GTS and tell you what it is, thanks in advance.
For Genning
Pokemon: Garchomp

I'm taking my request off since I bought a powersave... thanks
Can i have a miltank lvl100
shiny Yes
252 defense 252 hp 4 attack
siesmic toss
milk drink
body slam
please and thank you
il put up alevel 1 rowlet for a lvl 91-100 miltank\
please and thanks
Pokemon: Heatran
Level: 99
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Poke ball: Master Ball
Shiny: Yes
Ability: Flash Fire
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
- Flamethrower
- Flash Cannon
- Stone Edge
- Earth Power

I also need my Bulbasaur edited to know Giga Drain.

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