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Bulky Pokemon Really Take the Fun out of Metagame.
Bulky Pokemon don't take the fun out of the metagame, they allow games to actually span out and not end in like 10 turns. If set up mons are a problem, you need to have a proactive approach to take them out. Either by phazing them out or carrying a super effective move. In the case of the Volcarona sweep, always expect people to run set up sets like this on the ladder. If I recall correctly, CurseTalk Snorlax is one of if not the most terrifying set up sweepers/walls in the game which is why people run checks for it in the UU tier which it resides

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RE: Bulky Pokemon Really Take the Fun out of Metagame. - by Marcusube - Sep 12, 2016, 05:03 PM

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