Poll: Do you like this giveaway?
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Ye boi
34 97.14%
Nah fam
1 2.86%
Total 35 vote(s) 100%
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[CLOSED] The ULTIMATE Hunting Partner
deposited aron
level 1
ign boaz
message wundr

sorry I must have had the time for you zone wrong
@Hyker in that case, would you like me to reserve one for you to take care of later?
@boazisg sent <3
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
I would totally appreciate that @wundrweapon
Pokemon deposited: Lucario
Level: 35
Gender: Male
Message: AutoMatthic GA
Pokemon deposited: Oddish
Level: 11
Gender: female 
IGN (in-game name): Reilley 
GTS message: GGPancham
Pokemon deposited: Lanturn
Level: 30
Gender: female
IGN (in-game name): Deadpool
GTS message: Pancham
Pokemon deposited: Gligar
Level: 1
Gender: Male
IGN (in-game name): Jonny
GTS message: PKM4Ever
(Oct 3, 2016, 05:11 PM)wundrweapon Wrote: @Hyker in that case, would you like me to reserve one for you to take care of later?
@boazisg sent <3

Pokemon deposited: Oddish
Level: 11
Gender: female 
IGN (in-game name): Reilley 
GTS message: GGPancham
Those of you who have not recieved your Pancham, except Prismatic: you posted outside the time slot in rule 4, so you will not be given one
@Prismatic: first you posted outside the time slot, then you posted 10 mins after I closed it for the next few days, so no Pancham

When I reopen, then I will begin distributing Pancham again
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
I'd really love to reserver a Pancham Smile

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