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[CLOSED] Vinnie Features #12: Physical Electivire

thanks so much
Shiny (yes or no): Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Comfey
Gender: Female
Level: 21
IGN: Kelvin

(Dec 12, 2016, 05:17 PM)Vinnie Wrote: @nandawin Enjoy!

thank you :D
Shiny (yes or no): no
Pokemon Deposited:  passimian
Gender: female
Level: 20
IGN: E-ray Blitz

Shiny (yes or no): no 
Pokemon Deposited: Wimpod
Gender: female
Level: 1 
IGN: Alan

And Thx!
(Dec 12, 2016, 06:56 AM)Vinnie Wrote: @RageRabbid Enjoy!
@carlocruzd14 Enjoy!
@flamingstrike Enjoy!
@Hojunhu Enjoy!
@donatelo Can't find it?
@MessiahMiguel Enjoy!
@Myrodinn Can't find it?
@tonitheegreat Can't find one with you IGN Sad
@R2LSD2 Sniped?
@hiyeahi Enjoy!
@nandawin Sniped?
@Austintin Enjoy!
@kritwnas99 You requested a male, I only got females.

Lots of Wimpods getting sniped Sad

I redeposited with the same Pokémon.
(Dec 12, 2016, 05:17 PM)Vinnie Wrote: @nandawin Enjoy!
@elicplayz Enjoy!
@Peanutea Enjoy!
@freshikki Enjoy!
@kritwnas99 Enjoy!
@Huntaari Enjoy! :D
@xyzyx101 Can't find it.
@R2LSD2 Well, can't find one with your IGN
@harryn Can't find one with your IGN
@Myrodinn Enjoy!
@resynee Can't find your IGN
@noticemeesenpai Enjoy!
@Arctero Enjoy!
@OneFingerVon Enjoy!
@Mertzstache Enjoy!
@eng777 Enjoy!
@Memesforsylveon Still can't find one with that IGN

plz check one more time, i withdrew it and put it up again D:

Shiny (yes or no): Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Comfey
Gender: Female
Level: 1
IGN: Pouli
Shiny (yes or no): yes please ^^
Pokemon Deposited: Comfey
Gender: Female
Level: 18
IGN: Lacie
Shiny (yes or no): yes please
Pokemon Deposited: oranguru 
Gender: female
Level: 1
IGN: Fede
@OrangeT Enjoy!
@Ecaldwell46 Can't seem to find your IGN Sad
@NinjaQueen Enjoy!
@tonitheegreat Now it shows up, enjoy!
@xyzyx101 Found it this time! GTS acts a bit weird sometimes, not showing some pokemon. Enjoy!
@wapuurin Enjoy!
@Foklaius Enjoy!

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