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[DISCUSSION] Common misconceptions in legality REV07
"Oh! A genning giveaway! I want a Shiny Victini with Blue Flare!"
"Oh! I want a shiny Darkrai with Roar of Time! I deposited a Pikipek requesting Darkrai level 100!"
and so on....

I am writing this post because there are more nice people here who provides genning services. But people who requests for genning services don't research regarding legality and requests for illegal combinations, this is very tiring for hosts because they have to explain and correct it. I used to do it in another Pokemon Giveaway community and end up in arguments back in those days so I am writing this posts to mention the common illegal combinations that people occasionally requests and argued. You must be wondering what is wrong with illegal Pokemons? Well, most of them cannot be traded through Link Trades because their legality checker in Gen VII is improved legality checker from Gen VI.

Change Log (Not sure if anyone is interested):
Rev 07:
* Fixed some errors
* Added in VC Crystal
Rev 06:
* Sentence Structure
* More detail in Chapter 6 and 7
Rev 05:
* Added in USUM

Chapter 0: Introduction
Chapter 1: Kanto
Chapter 2: Johto
Chapter 3: Hoenn
Chapter 4: Sinnoh
Chapter 5: Unova
Chapter 6: Kalos
Chapter 7: Alola
Chapter 8: Unreleased items
Chapter 9: Pokemon Global Link Ban Wave
Chapter 10: Simple hack checks
Chapter 11: Conclusion

Chapter 0: Introduction

I will split Chapter 0 into 4 parts:
* 0.1 GTS
* 0.2 Difficulties in genning past-generations Pokemons
* 0.3 Event Pokemons
* 0.4 Pokeballs

0.1 GTS

Some Pokemons cannot be traded through GTS. These includes:
Event Pokemons with event ribbons such as Shiny Tapu Koko, Ash Hat Pikachu.
Mythical Pokemons without ribbons: These are:
* Gen III Mews, Celebis, Jirachis, Deoxys.
* Pokemon Ranger Manaphy
* Flower Paradise Shaymin
* Newmoon Island Darkrai
* Liberty Garden Victini
* ORAS Deoxys

To those who don't know what are event ribbons. Event ribbons do not allow any Pokemon to be traded through GTS showing "It's a special Pokemon. You cannot trade it.". If you removed these event ribbons, the event Pokemons will become illegal and therefore, increases the chances of getting banned in Pokemon Global Link by GameFreak. Event Ribbons are:
* Classic Ribbon
* Premier Ribbon
* Event Ribbon
* Birthday Ribbon
* Special Ribbon
* Souvenir Ribbon
* Wishing Ribbon
* Battle Champion

Do note that some items cannot be traded. Pokemons with Mega Stones (including Blue and Red Orb) also cannot be traded, it will show "This Pokemon has a special item. You cannot trade it." If you attempted to trade a Pokemon with Z Crystal, it will prompt you to remove it before trading.

0.2 Difficulties in genning past-generations Pokemons

In Gen III and Gen IV, all Pokemons nature and IVs, etc, are related to PID. PID is a value which all Pokemons have. Only people who have RNG knowledge knows how to calculate PID (about 1/20 genners). Please ask genners if they can generate Gen III and Gen IV Pokemons before requesting.
NOTE: PID can be calculated with PokeGen

In Gen III, for Wild Pokemon, only 9 natures can have 6 IVs: Calm, Careful, Docile, Hardy, Lax, Modest, Naive, Rash, and Timid.
For Stationary Pokemons, which are legendary Pokemons, only 4 natures can have 6 IVs: Modest, Timid, Calm, Docile.

In Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, only 7 natures can have 6 IVs: Calm, Docile, Hasty, Modest, Quirky, Sassy, and Timid.
In HGSS, only 6 natures can have 6 IVs: Calm, Docile, Modest, Quiet, Sassy, and Timid.

In Gen IV Wondercards, all natures can have any 6IVs. Which means that Jolly 6IVs Michina Arceus is legal. But Stationary Pokemons that are accessible through Event Items are not included. These are Pokemon Ranger Manaphy Egg, Newmoon Island Darkrai and Flower Paradise Shaymin.

0.3 Event Pokemons
I need to clarify a few things about event Pokemons:

Most event Pokemons cannot have a nickname. This means that you cannot have a nickname for Marshadow, Genesect, and many other events. The only exceptions are eggs or stationary Pokemons such as Birth Island Deoxys, Newmoon Island Darkrai.

They cannot be lower than their encounter level. This means that level 1 or level 5 Marshadow is illegal since the lowest level is 50. Pokemons with lower level that their encounter level cannot be traded through Link Trade!

Most Event Pokemons can only be in Cherish Ball. This meant that it is impossible to have a Genesect or Marshadow in a Luxury Ball. There are some exceptions such as Sludge Bomb Zoroark (Ultra Ball), Sludge Wave Gengar (Dush Ball) or PokeBank Celebi in Luxury Ball.

Most Event Pokemons' OT cannot be changed. This means that you cannot have your own OT for most event Pokemons, only a few event Pokemons allow you to have your own OT such as Pokebank Celebi.

0.4 Pokeballs

Most people always chose Pokeballs that suits the colour scheme of the Pokemon. By sometimes they can be illegal.
* All Pokemon from Dream Radar can only be in Dream Ball.
* Pokemons in Apricorn Balls with Hidden abilities cannot learn any past generation tutor moves and TMs.
* All Pokemons in Beast Balls cannot learn past generation tutor moves and TMs.
* Only Pokemons caught in Gen 7 can be in Beast Ball
* Beldum cannot be in Heavy Ball, for more details, check chapter 3.1
* Gen 7 starters can only be in PokeBall.

I will go through every Pokemon be Pokedex Number.

If you are looking for a specific Pokemon, you can use "Ctrl"+"F".

CHAPTER 1: Kanto

1.1 Ash-Hat Pikachu
All Ash-Hat Pikachus are shiny-locked! Furthermore, they can only be in Hardy Nature and have the ability Static.
NOTE: Ash Pikachus cannot be traded by GTS because they all carry event ribbons.

1.2 Cleffa/Clefairy/Clefable
Soft-Boiled is not an egg move of Clefairy, it is a move tutor from FRLG. Therefore, it cannot have Hidden Ability.

1.3 Machop/Machoke/Machamp
There is TM Fissure in RBY and Machop, Machoke in RBY, however, if transferred to SM, its ability will turn into its hidden ability, Steadfast. Therefore No Guard+Fissure Machamp is an illegal combination.

1.4 Gengar
Sludge Wave is not an egg move of Gengar, it is an event exclusive move from Gen 6 from these events:
* White Gengar Promotion
* Phantom Forces TCG
* Pokemon Centre Hiroshima

NOTE: You can also obtain Gengar with Sludge Wave from Dream World.

1.5 Legendary Birds
Legendary Birds refers to Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres.

Lowest level? 50 in FRLG, HGSS, Plat, VC RBY.

Shiny-locked? Shiny Birds can be obtained in:
* Plat
* PokeTransfer from Virtual Console RBY

Hidden Abilities? You can only obtain their Hidden Abilities through these methods:
* Aldora Bird event in Gen 6
* PokeTransfer from Virtual Console RBY

What about Shiny Birds with Hidden Abilities? Only Birds transferred from Virtual Console RBY.

1.6 Mewtwo

Lowest level? 60 from USUM, the rest are either 70 or 100 (events).

Shiny-locked? Shiny Mewtwo can be obtained in:
* Gen 6 events such as Play!2016, Nintendo HK, etc.
* PokeTransfer from Virtual Console RBY

Hidden Abilities? You can only obtain their Hidden Abilities through these methods:
* Gen 5 event (Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens), NOTE: This Mewtwo can only be in Timid Nature
* Gen 6 events such as Play!2016, Nintendo HK, etc.
* PokeTransfer from Virtual Console RBY

What about shiny Mewtwo with Hidden Abilties?
* Gen 6 events such as Play!2016, Nintendo HK, etc.
* PokeTransfer from Virtual Console RBY

Notable moves:
Electro Ball, from BW 1st Anniversary, cannot be shiny or have hidden ability
Heal Pulse and Hurricane, from Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens, has hidden ability, must be Timid nature and can only be non-shiny.

1.7 Mew
Based on past experience, most people don't do research on this....
"I want a Shiny English Mew!"

Lowest level? Level 5, level 30 for Shiny Faraway Island Mew

Shiny-locked? Shiny Mew can be obtained in:
* Faraway Island, this Mew must have Japanese language and a Japanese Name.

Notable moves:
* Soft-boiled, Gen 3 Move Tutor

NOTE: I have yet to hear people getting a VC Shiny Mew other than the Mew Glitch in Gen 1 games.

CHAPTER 2: Johto

2.1 Legendary Beasts
Not much misconceptions about this trio, but I will just list it.

Lowest level? Level 30 for WIN2011, GAMESTOP and 40 for HGSS.

Shiny-locked? Shiny beasts can be obtained in:
* VC Gold and Silver

Legendary beasts' hidden abilities are obtained from Virtual Gold and Silver. Yeah, I know it is sad that they all get Inner Focus instead of Volt Absorb, Flash Fire, Water Absorb. Sad
It is possible to obtain Shiny Beasts from Virtual Consoles by RNG abuse.

Notable moves:
WIN2011, GAMESTOP (they are all shiny):
* Raikou, nature-locked, must be Rash nature.
* Zap Cannon
* Aura Sphere
* Extreme Speed
* Weather Ball
* Entei, nature-locked, must be Adamant nature.
* Flare-Blitz
* Howl
* Extreme Speed
* Crush Claw
* Suicune, nature-locked, must be Relaxed nature.
* Sheer Cold
* Air Slash
* Extreme Speed
* Aqua Ring

2.2 Lugia
Lowest level? 5 in Dream Radar.
NOTE: Every Pokemons in Dream Radar are shiny-locked. Therefore, it is impossible to obtain level 5 Shiny Lugia.

Shiny-locked? Shiny Lugia can be obtained in:
* FRLG, Emerald
* VC Gold and Silver
* Ultra Moon

Hidden abilities?
* Dream Radar, but it is shiny-locked, and will have Dream Ball.
* VC Gold and Silver

It is possible to obtain shiny HA Lugia through RNG abuse.

2.3 Ho-Oh
Lowest level? 5 in Dream Radar.
NOTE: Every Pokemons in Dream Radar are shiny-locked. Therefore, it is impossible to obtain level 5 Shiny Ho-Oh.

Shiny-locked? Shiny Ho-Oh can be obtained in:
* FRLG, Emerald
* Kyoto Pokemon Centre-Opening Gift
* VC Gold and Silver
* Ultra Sun

Hidden abilities?
* Dream Radar, but it is shiny-locked, and will have Dream Ball.
* VC Gold and Silver

It is possible to obtain shiny HA Lugia through RNG abuse.

2.4 Celebi
Shiny Celebis can only be obtained through VC Crystal. And it must be at least level 30.
Lowest level is 10 from PokeBank (must be in Luxury Ball).

Notable moves:
Nasty Plot, WIN2011 Celebi


3.1 Legendary Golems Trio
This refers to Regirock, Regice, Registeel (Excluding Regigigas). Well, not many people actually have misconceptions about this but I will mention this in the list.

Shiny-locked? You can get Shiny golems in:
* Plat

Hidden abilities? Pokemon Bank Event in Gen 6 has the Hidden abilities released.

Shiny HA?
No, Pokemon Bank golems are shiny-locked.

3.4 Eon Duo
This refers to Latias and Latios. Not much misconceptions.

Shiny-locked? Shiny Latias and Latios can be found in:
* B2W2

Both Latias and Latios have no Hidden abilites.

3.5 Kyogre
Not many misconceptions with this Pokemon.

Lowest level? 45 in Sapphire and Alpha Sapphire. 50 in Heart Gold

Shiny-locked? Shiny Kyogre can only be obtained in:
* Sapphire
* Emerald
* Heart Gold
* Ultra Moon

3.6 Groudon
Not many misconceptions with this Pokemon.

Lowest level? 45 in Ruby and Omega Ruby. 50 in Soul Silver.

Shiny-locked? Shiny Groudon can only be obtained in:
* Ruby
* Emerald
* Soul Silver
* Ultra Sun

3.7 Rayquaza
I have seen a lot of "I want a Shiny V-Create Rayquaza!"

Lowest level? 50 for HGSS while the rest are 70, excluding some events which have 100.

Shiny locked? No, shiny Rayquaza can be found in wild and ton of events:
* All events excluding that V-Create one

Notable moves:
* V-Create, the V-Create Rayquaza event is shiny-locked! I have seen this being traded around Link Trade and Wonder Trade, release them immediately.

3.8 Jirachis
More misconceptions. I have seen "LF Shiny Jirachis with Follow Me/Draco Meteor". >.>

Lowest level? 5
NOTE: The Gen 6 Level 5 Jirachi has Levitate, which means it is impossible to be generated with PKHex or PKSM.

There are only 4 types of shiny Jirachis:
* Pokémon Center Touhoku - Tanabata Festival (has Moonblast), at level 10
* Pokémon Center - Christmas Charity Wristband Promotion, at level 15
* Pokémon Mikki Mall Event & Nintendo Hong Kong Distribution (has Happy Hour), at level 25
* Wishmaker Jirachi in Gen III (transfered from Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc)

Notable Moves (events):
* Gen IV Jirachis can have Draco Meteor.
* Best Wishes Season 2 Decolora Adventures Jirachi has Meteor Mash
* Pokémon Center Tohoku - Tanabata Festival Jirachi (Gen V) has Draco Meteor, Meteor Mash, Follow Me.
* Pokémon Center Touhoku - Tanabata Festival (Gen VI) has Moonblast.

Therefore, shiny Jirachi cannot learn:
* Meteor Mash
* Draco Meteor
* Follow Me

3.9 Deoxys
There is nothing much with Deoxys, only this:
Shiny Deoxys can only be obtained in Gen III Birth Island. The Deoxys from the events and ORAS are shiny-locked!

4.1 Dialga
Not much misconceptions, I just wanted to mention it.

Lowest Level? 1 or 5
Level 1 from HGSS by obtaining an Arceus from an event.
Level 5 from Dream Radar
NOTE: All Pokemons from Dream Radar are shiny-locked and can only be in Dream Ball with their Hidden Abilities

Shiny Dialga can be obtain in:
* Diamond
* Platinum
* SUM2013
* Alpha Sapphire
* Ultra Sun

Is Hidden abilities released? Yes, through 2 methods:
* Dream Radar
* Pokémon - Archjinni of the Rings Hoopa Distribution (Gen VI event)

Therefore, it is impossible to obtain Shiny HA Dialga.

4.2 Palkia
Not much problems but I will mention it.

Lowest Level? 1 or 5
Level 1 from HGSS by obtaining an Arceus from an event.
Level 5 from Dream Radar
NOTE: All Pokemons from Dream Radar are shiny-locked and can only be in Dream Ball with their Hidden Abilities

Shiny Palkia can be obtain in:
* Pearl
* Platinum
* SUM2013
* Ultra Moon

Is Hidden abilities released? Yes, through 2 methods:
* Dream Radar
* Pokémon - Archjinni of the Rings Hoopa Distribution (Gen VI event)

Therefore, it is impossible to obtain Shiny HA Palkia.

4.3 Heatran

Lowest level? 50

Shiny Heatran can be obtained in:
* Diamond, Pearl and Platinum
* B2W2

The Hidden ability Flame Body is not released.

Notable moves:
* Eruption (Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs). NOTE: This event is nature-locked, it can only be in quiet nature.

4.4 Giratina
Not much misconceptions, I just wanted to mention it.

Lowest Level? 1 or 5
Level 1 from HGSS by obtaining an Arceus from an event.
Level 5 from Dream Radar
NOTE: All Pokemons from Dream Radar are shiny-locked and can only be in Dream Ball with their Hidden Abilities

Shiny Giratina can be obtain in:
* All Gen 4 games
* SUM2013

Is Hidden abilities released? Yes, through 2 methods:
* Dream Radar
* Pokémon - Archjinni of the Rings Hoopa Distribution (Gen VI event)

Therefore, it is impossible to obtain Shiny HA Giratina

4.5 Manaphy
Well, there is only one misconception about this.

Is it shiny-locked?
The answer is No, but very rare, as it is very tedious to RNG, the only Shiny Pokemon that requires multiple games to RNG, let me see, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Platinum and another Gen IV game, hmmm, that is very difficult....

Shiny Manaphy can only be obtained in Gen IV games after completing Pokemon Ranger game. In terms of genning it, this also requires RNG knowledge as PID calculation is required.

4.6 Darkrai
This Pokemon.....
I have heard enough of all these:
"I want a Shiny ALAMOS Darkrai"
"I want a Shiny Darkrai with Spacial Rend, Roar of Time"

This is one the Pokemons that drives me to write this guide......

First of all, Shiny Darkrai can only be obtained in ONE event, the Member Card event in Gen IV, which allows you to visit Newmoon Island to catch the Darkrai. That is the only method that you can get a Shiny Darkrai. In terms of genning it, this also requires RNG knowledge as PID calculation is required.

Notable moves:
* Roar Of Time
* Spacial Rend
* Phantom Force
NOTE: ALAMOS Darkrai is shiny-locked, therefore, it is impossible to obtain a shiny ALAMOS Darkrai

4.7 Shaymin
Like Manaphy, the only thing that people always question is if it is shiny-locked. Well, there is only one event that shiny Shaymin can be obtained. The Oak's letter event in Gen IV, which allows you to visit Flower Paradise to catch a Shaymin. It is possible to get a Shaymin there. In terms of genning it, this also requires RNG knowledge as PID calculation is required.

4.8 Arceus
Arceus, oh god, another one like Darkrai.....
"I want a Shiny Arceus with Roar of Time, Spacial Rend and Shadow Force!"

No, like the Darkrai above, this Arceus is also shiny-locked.

The lowest level for Arceus is 100. Some may argue that there is level 80 Arceus in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. However, to access that Arceus, you need Azure's Flute, which is an item that is not released in any events.

Shiny Arceus can be obtained by a lot of methods:
* Movie15 (Pokémon - Archjinni of the Rings Hoopa Prebooking Distribution)
The rest of the Arceus are shiny-locked.

Noteable moves:
TRU/Michina (Gen IV event) NOTE: This event is shiny-locked!!!!
* Roar of Time
* Spacial Rend
* Shadow Force
Movie15 (Gen VI event)
* Blast Burn
* Hydro Cannon

Therefore, it is impossible to obtain a shiny Arceus with Roar of Time, Spacial Rend, Shadow Force.


5.1 Victini
I have seen a lot of "I want a shiny Victini!".....
One of the Pokemons that drives me to write this long essay..

Lowest level? 15

Yes, it is shiny-locked. Including the one in Liberty Garden. BW is hard coded to ensure that Victini is shiny-locked.
NOTE: There has been a lot of shiny Victinis spotted in Festival Plaza, all of them are hacked!

Notable moves:
* Movie14:
* Fusion Bolt
* Fusion Flare
* Pokemon Centre-Happy Christmas
* Bolt Strike
* Blue Flare
* Glaciate
NOTE: V-Create is only obtainable in a few events only!

5.2 Zoroark
Zoroark cannot learn Sludge Bomb by TM or Egg Move. Zoroark can only obtain the move Sludge Bomb from the event in Gen VI.
NOTE: Zoroark with Sludge Bombs are shiny-locked! They can only be in Ultra Balls!

5.3 Forces of Nature
Forces of Nature are the Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus.

Lowest level? 5 in Dream Radar. NOTE: All Pokemons from Dream Radar are shiny-locked and can only be in Dream Ball with their Hidden Abilities.

Shiny locked? Shiny genies can be found in:
* Gen V games

Hidden abilities can only be obtained in Dream Radar, therefore, Shiny HA Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus are illegal combination!

5.4 Tao Trio
Only one misconception about this trio.
Kyurems cannot be traded when fused. They can only be traded when separated.
This will prompt if attempted to trade. "This is a special Pokemon. You cannot trade it".

You can obtained shiny Tao Trios in:

5.5 Keldeo
"I want a shiny Keldeo!"
This is also very common.....

Keldeos are shiny-locked. NOTE: Shiny Keldeos are very common in Festival Plaza, they are all hacked!

Lowest level? 15 in multiple events.

5.6 Meloetta
Same as Keldeo... "I want a shiny Meloetta!"

Like Keldeo, Meloettas are shiny-locked. NOTE: Shiny Keldeos are very common in Festival Plaza, they are all hacked!

Lowest level? 15 from Movie12.

5.7 Genesect
For Genesect, there is only one huge misconception, that is regarding an event, which is the Movie13 Genesect.

Firstly, it is nature-locked, a lot of people always "I want a Naive Shiny Genesect!" or "Rash nature Shiny Genesect!" or something like that.

Note: The moves Blaze Kick, Extreme Speed and Shift Gear can only be obtained by the Movie15 Genesect.

Lowest level? 15 from B2W2 launch. The Movie15 Genesect can only be level 100. Which means that Shiny Genesect must be level 100!

CHAPTER 6: Kalos

6.1 Ash-Greninja
Ash-Greninjas are shiny-locked.
They all have the IV spread 31/20/31/20/31/31
They cannot be traded through GTS because they are a special Pokemon.

6.2 Floette
"I want a Eternal Floette!"
"I want the Floette with Light of Ruin"

Eternal Floette is only scripted in the game, but it is never released. Therefore, it is impossible to have an eternal Floette

6.3 Xerneas and Yveltal
You can obtain Shiny Xerneas and Yveltals in USUM but they are shiny-locked in XY!

Lowest level? 50 in XY Team Flare's HQ in XY and 60 in USUM.

6.4 Zygarde
Zygarde is shiny-locked.
NOTE: Zygardes cannot appear in 100% form in regular trades.

6.5 Diancie
Shiny Diancie can only be obtained in a Gen VI Japanese event (Mega Evolution Promotion). The rest of the Diancie events in Gen VI are shiny-locked!

Lowest Level: 50

6.6 Hoopa
Hoopa is ahiny-locked. Lowest Level is 50.
NOTE: Hoopa-Unbound may turn back to original form if traded. Get a Prison Bottle to transform it back after trading.

6.7 Volcanion
Volcanion is shiny-locked. Lowest level is 70.

CHAPTER 7: Alola

7.1 Alola Starters
All their Hidden Abilities are not released and they can only be in Pokeball.

7.2 Guardian Deities
All Guardian Deities (excluding Tapu Koko) are shiny-locked.
Regarding Shiny Tapu Koko, it is released in an event, therefore, it cannot be traded through GTS.

All Guardian Deities have the Hidden Abilities Telepathy, but it is not released yet.
Lowest level is 60 for all Guardian Deities.

7.3 Ultra Beasts
Ultra Beasts are no longer shiny-locked but they must be caught in USUM.
NOTE: Poipole and Nagadanel can only be in PokeBall and must be at least level 40.

7.4 Cosmog Line
They are still shiny-locked. Therefore, it is impossible to have shiny Solgaleo or shiny Lunala!
Cosmog/Cosmoem can only be in PokeBall.

7.5 Magearna
Magearna is also shiny-locked. The original form is released in the coding but not in any events yet, therefore, original form is still illegal.

7.6 Marshadow
Marshadow must be at least level 50, I have seen a lot of "LF Level 1 Marshadow". And the Z-Stone cannot be traded!

7.7 Zeraora
This Pokemon is not released yet so it cannot be traded! I have seen a lot of "LF Zeraora".

Chapter 8: Unreleased items:
I have seen many people requested for Custap Berry, Enigma Berry, etc.
Here are the unreleased items (I will only list out the notable ones):
* Enigma Berry
* Micle Berry
* Custap Berry
* Jaboca Berry
* Rowap Berry
* Macho Brace

CHAPTER 9: Simple Hack Checks
I have been researching SM Hack Checks and PGL banwave for a while but there is no conclusion yet. Based on my research, most people got banned in PGL for having illegal shinies in their PokeDex or obtaining unreleased items.

Now I will list out the common hack checking tips in case you are suspicious of the Pokemons you obtained from random Link Trades or Wonder Trade.

Every Pokemon from Dream Radar are shiny-locked and must be in Dream Balls.
All Gen 6-7 Pokemons cannot be in Dream Ball.
These Pokemons are shiny-locked:
* Celebi
* Victini
* Keldeo
* Meloetta
* Zygarde
* Hoopa
* Volcanion
* Every Gen 7 legendaries (excluding Tapu Koko)
Shiny Mews can only be obtained in Emerald from Japan. Mews from Emerald must have Japanese Tag and Japanese nickname.
Shiny Deoxys can only be obtained in Gen 3 games, therefore, no Pentagon or Cross.
Shiny Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin must be from Gen 4, no Pentagon or Cross.
These Shiny Pokemons must be level 100:
* Arceus
* Genesect
Most event Pokemons must be in Cherish Ball, there are some exemptions.

Chapter 10: Pokemon Global Link Ban Wave
There has been two ban waves recently, about 8000 bans for editing Pokemon save data, now I will explain how most people gets banned.
Many Pokemon hacking communities did a research on this ban wave, but not much results.

1. Hacked Pokemon will not get you banned as long as they have legal values can exist in the game.
1.1 There's a few Pokemon that cannot be shiny.
1.2 If you have questions whether or not your event Pokemon is legal check the event database such as Serebii, or feel free to ask.
1.3 be careful of having illegal Pokedex entries.

2. Most users that were banned used the game sync feature.
2.1 Do not generate a game sync ID until you finished everything in the game, and make a save for it as a back up, so that if you do end up getting ban you can use you back up save to generate a new game sync ID without starting over.
2.2 Game Sync is only fully activated after you link it to your PGL account.
2.3 Be careful if you activated NTR cheats and go to Festival plaza after activating Game Sync. The game automatically updates your save.
2.4 Don't edit Poke Finder
2.5 Don't edit Gender, IGN, Skin Tone, TID, SID of your character
2.6 Don't edit Pokemon that are in the battle boxes.
2.7 Don't edit poke currency (make Big Nuggets and sell them instead, not too many)
2.7 Don't edit FCs

3. Do not receive any unreleased items. if you have any questions as to what is or what is not legal in sun and moon use Serebii.

4. Do not use cheats online.

5. Don't edit Pokemon that are in the battle boxes.

Chapter 11: Conclusion
I hoped that this essay will prevent people from requesting illegal combinations in Trading Forums and genning requests because it is tedious and tiring to explain over again. I hoped that this essay will help genning giveaway hosts to make their giveaways easier.

If you have any questions about legality, feel free to comment below! You can also help other people answer their questions! Smile
What is a signature and how do I get one?
Took me a month to update it. Sad

If I miss out anything, feel free to comment and share with everyone! Smile

@moo311 , here is the new revision for USUM. Smile
What is a signature and how do I get one?
This is the main reason I don't do genning. People expect too much. Then again, I'll be off on game dev teams in the future and we don't get it any easier. I do appreciate you making these though!

I just wish more people would read them.
SCP Foundation - Secure. Contain. Protect.

My trade shop - V2.3
Thanks so much!
Are the ban waves still a concern?
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
(Dec 26, 2017, 06:13 PM)Hojunhu Wrote: Are the ban waves still a concern?

Don't know. But best to take precautions~
What is a signature and how do I get one?
Ho-oh from an Ultra Wormhole can learn the attack Burn Up, a move this Pokemon could not previously learn
Thanks for all the good times~
After reading through it myself, I discovered that I made some minor mistakes, you can use it as reference but I can only update this essay a month from now because I am busy.
What is a signature and how do I get one?
Revision 6 is up! Smile

Any genners who wanted to host genning giveaways, feel free to use this! Smile
What is a signature and how do I get one?
Thanks for the update! I just wish more people would read it

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