Poll: Pixilate Hyper Voice or Moonblast?
Pixilate Hyper Voice
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[DISCUSSION] Pixilate Hyper Voice VS Moonblast [Debate]
Hey guys, glad to see this already picking up steam,

While I was reading this I realized that there is some discussion about certain conditions that I should have addressed in my post, so first of all sorry about that guys, and second here is some infomation to clear this all up:

1. This is in fact a double battle scenario.

2. The item that Sylveon is holding is a type of berry, not going to say which as this is purely to clear up some of the ideas that PerchPond was referring too,  thanks for the idea of Choice Specs however, I will keep that in mind  Big Grin .

3. This is ment for a slower team that could work under trickroom, hence why a pokemon like Tapu Fini and A-Ninetails aren't here, again thanks to PerchPond.

4. While this question is designed for Sylveon, It can also be adapted for M-Gardevoir and M-Altaria, who are also users of Pixilate Hyper Voice or Moonblast.

Thanks for all your comments so far, I didn't expect to see this rise in popularity so fast, also feel free to @me is you have any questions about the battle field that I could answer if you are curious.

@FireTaco I see, let's hypothetically say that Moonblast is superior by most metrics. This would effectively mean that you are using a mon without an ability (Cute Charm is really quite bad, factoring in how many genderless legendaries there are in VGC alongside the randomness of gender-based elements, and Pixilate doesnt do anything outside of Hyper Voice and the situational Hyper Beam or Quick Attack if u go for that) This is in my eyes an extreme draw back, which makes either Hyper Voice and Moonblast or only Hyper Voice the most optimal choice.

EDIT: If you pair Hyper Voice with Psyshock, you can still hit Kommo-o super effectively, while also hitting mons that resist Hyper Voice like Amoonguss and Naganadel supereffectively.

EDIT 2: Mega Gardevoir can KO Kmmo-o with STAB Psychic so Hyper Voice is the superior option there aswell IMO, and Altaria can hit it with a STAB Dragon move next to Hyper Voice
"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
I would be the one who runs Kommo-o.
Thanks for all the good times~
Most effective Sylveon runs the following:

Sylveon @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Hyper Voice
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Psyshock/Psychic/Shadow Ball

Note EVs can be tweaked, as well as sometimes nature is -Atk/+Def
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
oh dear this is getting a little of topic  Undecided

Yes I now understand understand that maybe using Sylveon for an example was a bad idea, but the heart of this thread was to get an idea on whats better for in to use against the meta if I were to go with a pokemon with the ability Pixilate, reguardless which pokemon uses it.  

You want to look at Mega Gardevoir while seeing this? SURE Go Bannanas. Mega Altaria? Fine by me. Sylveon? Of course, but what I want to know is what move would be prefered.  To make this a bit more clear let me try doing a Importable if it might clear up what I mean:

Sylveon / M-Gardevoir / M-Altaria @ A non stat boosting item, such as a passive berry
Ability: Pixilate  
Level: 100  
EVs: Anything you want
Nature  doesn't matter
- Moonblast / Hyper Voice
- set up move
- set up move
- set up move

So you can change the pokemon, the evs, the nature, I don't care which is the best to use Though any suggestions are always appreciated  But my sole thing you had to choose is if you had to choose between Moonblast or Hyper Voice because of a certain meta that you know you have to go up against, and there is no other attacking move you could use.  I am sorry to anyone I confused while making this post and to myself for confusing me too, but All I want is to get back the the question that I wanted to answer from the beginning.  

thank you all for being patient with me, and all of your cases are still being listened to, 


I think I will update the first post soon to be able to explain this better.
(Feb 20, 2018, 06:03 PM)PerchPond Wrote: @FireTaco I see, let's hypothetically say that Moonblast is superior by most metrics. This would effectively mean that you are using a mon without an ability (Cute Charm is really quite bad, factoring in how many genderless legendaries there are in VGC alongside the randomness of gender-based elements, and Pixilate doesnt do anything outside of Hyper Voice and the situational Hyper Beam or Quick Attack if u go for that) This is in my eyes an extreme draw back, which makes either Hyper Voice and Moonblast or only Hyper Voice the most optimal choice.

EDIT: If you pair Hyper Voice with Psyshock, you can still hit Kommo-o super effectively, while also hitting mons that resist Hyper Voice like Amoonguss and Naganadel supereffectively.

EDIT 2: Mega Gardevoir can KO Kmmo-o with STAB Psychic so Hyper Voice is the superior option there aswell IMO, and Altaria can hit it with a STAB Dragon move next to Hyper Voice

@PerchPond I'm not very familiar with VGC, but this sounds like a very solid point.
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
@FireTaco I stated that Hyper Voice is probably the superior option for all three, in the context of VGC and going up against Kommo-o, since they all get other moves that can hit Kommo-o to complement Hyper Voice/or you can run both Hyper Voice and Moonblast, which is set-based. Pixilate mons without a normal move to boost are essentially witout an ability. Sorry if my post was lenghty.

"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
If we're JUST talking about Hyper Voice vs Moonblast in the current VGC format on a Pixelate mon, then Moonblast does more damage per target. Couple that with the fact that all Kommo-o should be soundproof, and the fact that Aegislash has a 13.4% usage on PGL according to Pikalytics, with over 65% of those carrying wide guard, Moonblast is the better move if you MUST run one over the other. I also don't like running spread type damage as the only STAB move on a mon. But, if we're talking about Sylveon, you run both.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades

I never said anything against that, and honestly that's an extremely valid point, my argument was more response to Hojunhu, who gave me a set, and a rather solid one at that, but it didn't help to answer the question.  

I will state that I am starting to lean more towards Hyper Voice now, so I think that unless there is some other argument that hasn't been said already that I will go fourth with the team using Hyper Voice over Moonblast.

Thank You all for participating in this,


OH Shoot just saw Hojunhu's reply, umm guess I'm not going to start working on the team just now, and rather see how this will unfold more.
@FireTaco PerchPond is right. The only real reason to run Sylveon is Pixilate Hyper Voice. However, Hojunhu is right too. Having a split move as your only STAB is a terrible choice, ESPECIALLY when Kommo-o is such a threat. Run both. Yes, you have two Fairy moves as a result, but having split and offensive STAB will come in handy. Believe me. If you only want to run just one move, play Moonblast. Truly, your best bet is both moves. But if you can only do one, go for the Moonblast.
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

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