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[DISCUSSION] Pokemon Sun & Moon News Thread (Will Contain Pre-Launch Spoilers)
 Corocoro October Leaks #2

Was going to update the post, but the latest leaks sorta speak for themselves. We were hinted of a potential evolutions of Type: Null and the entire Jangmo-O line and the Corocoro leaker delivered. Going to use their Japanese names for the time until the localized ones have been announced.

Type: Null and its Evolution Silvadi

[Image: corocoro11162.jpg]

As hinted throughout most of last month, the "secret" to Type: Null has finally been revealed with a new Evolution, and some interesting mechanics similar to a certain legendary. The new Pokemon is called Silvadi (in Japanese) with the theme of its evolution based on "gaining the trainer's trust" by destroying its helmet. From previous information regarding Type: Null, apparently the helmet is used to inhibit its strengths, however now its seems we find out by "removing" the helmet via potential happiness method, the Synthetic Pokemon achieves a new form. According based on the new information, Silvadi's has a new ability akin to Arceus's Mulitype called AR System. Essentially how AR System works is Shivadi must have an item called "Memory" which allows it to be 18 types. According to Serebii's source, we aren't sure about how "Memory" works, whether its similar to the Arceus Plates like there being specific "Memory" items to allow Silvadi to become one of of the types. Finally Silvadi has a new move called "Multi-Attack", which changes type based on the item is holding, likely the new Memory item. Base on design alone, have this feeling Game Freak intended to make Silvadi and Type: Null among the strongest Pokemon released in the Alolan Dex, however we'll have to wait and see how powerful they are in mid-November. 

 The Jangmo-O Evolution Line

[Image: CuoKvaEW8AAGxAm.jpg:large]
(Twitter: Poketrends)
Following the reveal of Silvadi, we get confirmation of the new Jangmo-O's Dragon Evolutionary line, which both new forms gain a new type combination as hinted earlier. The first stage evolution is called Jarango, which gains now walk bipedal and gains an secondary Fighting-type. The final stage of the Jangmo-O line is a Dragon/Fighting Pokemon named Jararanga, looking far imposing and obviously strong. We don't know if these Pokemon are the Pseudo-Legendary line for the Alolan Region, until we get to see the stat allocation add up to 600. The only other information mention is from Pokebeach's translation which states both Dragon/Fighting-types learn Sky Uppercut. For those who want a refresher of Jangmo-O's abilities, both are Soundproof and Bulletproof respectively. 

Miscellaneous Corocoro Leaks

[Image: corocoro11165.jpg] 

[Image: CuoCyEkVYAA4RNx.jpg:large] 

1st "Trial" Captain to Challenge named Ilmia. Apparently first city is called Hauori City.

[Image: CoroCoro-Sun-Moon-Anime.jpg]

More screenshots of the Pokemon Su/Mo anime. 

[Image: CuoD0lKWYAAOtHS.jpg:large]

Images of the 1st stage Starters, though we've already covered this information. 

Pokemon Su/Mo "First Two Hours Preview"

While we didn't get any further information from Corocoro, apparently there was an press event which allowed multiple people and news outlets during a Nintendo Event at San Francisco where they were allowed exclusive game-play clearance of Pokemon Su/Mo for up to two hours. Multiple people and outlets got the chance to play Pokemon Su/Mo, likely hinting the game has, or already close to finished. I'm not going to "reveal" some of the discoveries these news sites have found when playing the game (except that screenshot), but will list down two links with information regarding everything covered. Will leave a list down below.

We'll be getting an information news drop around Friday the 14th at 6:00 am Pacific / 9:00 am Eastern. Be sure to check out this thread for when we finish complying the news. 
October 14th Pokemon Su/Mo Trailer 

Will give my thoughts about some of the new Pokemon and characters later. Just wanted to share this to the forum as today was the day TPCi promised new Pokemon info. Most of it was from the Corocoro scans but we got some new Pokemon and a new Kahuna revealed as well.

New Pokemon + Alolan Forms
(Apologies no Descriptions this time)

[Image: silvally.png]
The Synthetic Pokemon: Silvally
Type: Normal
Height: 7'07"
Weight: 221.6 lbs
Abilities: RKS System
[Image: hakamo-o.png]
 The Scaly Pokemon: Hakomo-o
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 103.6 lbs
Abilities: Bulletproof / Soundproof

[Image: kommo-o.png]
 The Scaly Pokemon: Kommo-o
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 172.4 lbs
Abilities: Bulletproof / Soundproof
New Move: Clanging Scales - Attacks with Scales, but drops Defense.
[Image: ribombee.png]
The Bee Fly Pokemon: Ribombee
Type: Bug/Fairy
Height: 0'08''
Weight 1.1 lbs
Ability: Honey Gather / Shield Dust
[Image: steenee.png]
The Fruit Pokemon: Steenee
Type: Grass
Height: 2'04''
Weight 18.1 lbs
Ability: Leaf Guard / Oblivious
[Image: tsareena.png]
The Fruit Pokemon: Tsareena
Type: Grass
Height: 3'11''
Weight 47.2 lbs
Ability: Leaf Guard / Queenly Majesty - Blocks Priority Moves
New Move: Trop Kick - Physical Grass-type move
[Image: alolan-grimer.png]
The Sludge Pokemon: Alolan Grimer
Type: Poison/Dark
Height: 2'04''
Weight 92.6 lbs
Ability: Poison Touch / Gluttony
[Image: alolan-muk.png]
The Sludge Pokemon: Alolan Muk
Type: Poison/Dark
Height: 3'03''
Weight 114.6 lbs
Ability: Poison Touch / Gluttony

Pokemon Sun and Moon Trailer (October 27th)

So new trailer, new stuff. Will be back to give my full thoughts regarding the latest Su/Mo trailer. Some of it are things we suspected for a while, and other things which definitely surprised us all.

Nothing really related to this thread, just wanted to say that some people tend to say the new trailer was made because of the data mining leaks from the demo:

what was found in the demo meant to be found, if Nintendo really wanted to, they would have hidden all the sprites like the rest of the informations

just to clear things up ^^
New Pokemon + Alolan Forms Officially Revealed 

[Image: decidueye.png]
The Arrow Quill Pokemon: Decidueye
Type: Grass / Ghost
Height: 5'03" 
Weight: 80.7 lbs
Ability: Overgrown

Decidueye is the final stage of the Grass Starter Pokemon Rowlet and Evolution Dartrix with a rather surprising typing change from Grass/Flying-type, to now Grass/Ghost-type. With is new Ghost-typing, Decidueye is no longer quad weak to Ice-type and can hit targets with STAB Ghost-type moves such as its signature move Spirit Shackle. What the exclusive move does is it traps the target after the attack and prevents them from fleeing or switching out from battle. Based on the TCPi's description, Decidueye is said to have "astonishing" speed, which might hint this to be a relatively fast attacker, though we'll have to wait and see.
[Image: incineroar.png]
The Heel Pokemon: Incineroar
Type: Fire / Dark
Height: 5'11" 
Weight:  183.0 lbs
Ability: Blaze

The next fully evolved starter Pokemon revealed is the Fire/Dark-type Incineroar. As Litten and Torracat eventually evolve into the Fire-type starter, it gains the new Dark-type so likely it will receive STAB from moves like Bite, Knock Off, and Crunch. The signature move for Incineroar is Darkest Lariat, a Dark-type physical attack which ignores the stat changes of a target Pokemon, useful for breaking through evasion and defense boosts. If I had to speculate about the Incineroar's stats, it will likely have a high base Attack given by its Intimidate-like look and how the its said to showoff its strengths in battle based on the descriptions
[Image: primarina.png]
The Soloist Pokemon: Primarina
Type: Water/Fairy
Height: 5'11" 
Weight:  97.0 lbs
Ability: Torrent

The final stage of Popplio/Brionne's evolution line revealed to be the siren-looking Pokemon, Primarina. As it evolves into this form, Primarina gains the new Fairy typing becoming Water/Fairy-type which is honestly a great defensively. Like the other two final starter evolutions before, Primarina's signature move is the new Water-type move Sparkling Aria, which deals damage and heals the targets Burn status if inflicted by one. Judging by how the two starters are offensively oriented, Primarina might be more defensive incline, though this is just pure speculation. Based on its description, Primarina is said to be able to create "balloons of water" which thus result into potential explosions. 
[Image: tapu_lele.png]
The Land Spirit Pokemon: Tapu Lele
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Height: 3'11" 
Weight:  41.0 lbs
Ability: Psychic Surge

As part of the Land Spirit legends, Tapu Lele is a Psychic/Fairy-type and Guardian of the Akala Island. Like Tapu Koko, the newly revealed Tapu Lele has a new ability called Psychic Surge, which setups a new Terrain-based field called Psychic Terrain. Based on the description of Psychic Terrain, this field ability blocks all priority moves, and increases the power of all Psychic-type Pokemon on the ground. This ability alone has some major implications in the competitive scene as Tapu Lele can block any priority attacks used to finish off any weaken Pokemon. Assuming Psychic Terrain is based on the other terrain effecting moves, it could last up to 5 turns. Again looking at Tapu Lele's information, it said to focus solely on strategy, and not as offensively incline, potentially hinting at it being a support like Pokemon such as Cresselia. 

[Image: tapu_bulu.png]

The Land Spirit Pokemon: Tapu Bulu
Type: Grass/Fairy
Height: 6'03" 
Weight:  100.3 lbs
Ability: Grassy Surge

The next member of the Land Spirit legend of Ula'Ula Island is the Grass/Fairy-type Pokemo Tapu Bulu. Like all the other Tapu legends, Tapu Bulu can learn the move Nature's Madness which cuts the remaining HP by half. Grassy Surge is another terrain setting ability for Tapu Bulu to abuse which allows it to enable Grassy Terrain on the field. Released back in Gen 6, Grassy Terrain is a field condition which gradually recovers all "grounded" Pokemon (like 1/16th leftovers), boost the power of all Grass-type moves by 50%, and reduces the damage of Ground-type moves like Earthquake, Magnitude, and Bulldoze. Based on the lore, Tapu Bulu is said to be docile, or "chalked" up Pokemon which might hint this Pokemon is rather slow.
 [Image: tapu_fini.png]
The Land Spirit Pokemon: Tapu Fini
Type: Water/Fairy
Height: 4'03" 
Weight:  46.7 lbs
Ability: Misty Surge

The fourth and final Land Spirit Pokemon of Poni Island revealed is the new Water/Fairy-type Pokemon Tapu Fini. The new ability for Tapu Fini is Misty Surge, which setups Misty Terrain introduced back in XY. Some of the effects include preventing status conditions and halving Dragon-type damage from other grounded Poemon. Not much to say about Tapu Fini, though it was seen using what appears to be Moonblast and Hydro Pump, both strong special attacks in their own right. 
[Image: cosmog.png]
The Nebula Pokemon: Cosmog
Type: Psychic
Height: 0'08" 
Weight:  0.2 lbs
Ability: Unaware

Next we have a new Psychic-type Pokemon named Cosmog. This Pokemon is apparently extremely hard to find in the wild and is revered by the Alolan royalty. For those who don't know, Unaware ignores all stats changes, including opposing setup. Cosmog is apparently being researched by the Aether Foundation and was given its name by a certain researcher. Cosmog does appear to resemble a certain Pokemon, thought not sure if that's the case. 
[Image: persian_alola_form.png]
The Classey Cat Pokemon: Alolan Persian
Type: Dark
Height: 3'07" 
Weight:  72.8 lbs
Ability: Fur Coat / Techician
Finally Alolan Persian is official revealed in the latest trailer and has its type changed from Normal-type to Dark-type. The only notable thing about Alola Person aside the new typing is the addition of Fur Coat as one of its abilities, effectively cutting all physical attacks in half. 

The Battle Tree

[Image: battletree.jpg]
After players have completed the Island Challenge, a special battle facility becomes available at Poni Island called the Battle Tree. Like other battle facilities, players can earn potential Battle Points after achieving win streaks to get special battling items and other prizes. What makes the Battle Tree different, or the same as a familiar facility (the PWT), is how notable NPCs, Champions, etc can be challenged as well. One of these characters, Cynthia is showcased in the trailer battling the protagonist with her Garchomp, but she can also be partner with in multi battles. In a suprising reveal, both Red and Green are shown in this place as can be challlenged with their respective teams from previous games. Scouting is a new feature which allows the people to battle alongside notable NPCs in the franchise in multi battles. 


The Pokemon League ... Under Construction

[Image: CvyxWmVVUAASUjF.jpg]

Seems like the Pokemon League is Alola is there.. however there's a catch. As of the start of the game, the league is shown being under construction at Ule'Ule Island's Mt Malakila. We don't know if there's a traditional Elite Four and Champion already formed and just waiting for the contruction to finish. The site does hint that the player will eventually revisit the area to challenge the Pokemon League at a later time, thought once they've finished the Island Challenge. 


Well that's all we got today. Some of the reveals here have been shown at certain points, I feel this trailer still lives up to bringing excitement for the games. Now that we are basically 3 weeks away for Su/Mo, chances are we might see a slowdown in news, or Pokemon might reveal story / post game elements we haven't seen already. Either way, we'll try to cover the news up until the day of launch. In the meantime, take care 

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