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So i'm new to all of this and i just beat the league on pokemon Y,
and i need more FC so i can expand my FS so all that whant to help are welcome my FC is: 3883-9219-4958

Add me!
Added you both Smile @Platinum2183 @Priskaa
I've add you all you can add me ^^
Added @Priskaa  my FS has Vullaby, Sneasel and Absol. Anyone else feel free to add me as well. Looking for as many Friend Safari's as possible.
thanks :D
everyone here can add me
(Apr 17, 2016, 02:19 PM)lustrousdreams Wrote: Added @Priskaa  my FS has Vullaby, Sneasel and Absol. Anyone else feel free to add me as well. Looking for as many Friend Safari's as possible.

Is that Rin in your profile pic?
@Tharsin  i've added you ^^
(Apr 17, 2016, 03:12 PM)Tharsin Wrote:
(Apr 17, 2016, 02:19 PM)lustrousdreams Wrote: Added @Priskaa  my FS has Vullaby, Sneasel and Absol. Anyone else feel free to add me as well. Looking for as many Friend Safari's as possible.

Is that Rin in your profile pic?
Added  thank you for the add :P  and no it's Trainer Mei/Rosa. Which Rin were you referring to? just curious :D 

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