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[FRIEND SAFARI] Need friend safaris
I need new friend safaris
(Aug 1, 2017, 04:22 AM)Hightoker Wrote: I need new friend safaris

Electric Safari for me. Pikachu, Luxio, and Electrode. Let me know if you added me.
feel free to add me everyone. FC in bio is steel type with mawile, klang and klefki. Second is 0190-3214-2916 electric type helioptile, emolga and zebstrika. Please pm me if you want an invite
Add me! My FC is 5086-6152-8209 and I'm pretty sure that my safari is a rock type and I definitely know that boldore is in it.
If you'd like to add me, my Friend Code is: 2380-3231-4024

I don't know what's in my Friend Safari, but hopefully it's something good!

If you do add me, let me know what's in it.
added everyone on both acnts so far
add me water type safari with frogadier octillery and gyrados
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
thanks everyone I added all of you
(Aug 1, 2017, 07:45 PM)Hightoker Wrote: @DJDurkee 
thanks everyone I added all of you

Thank you. I added your Normal one as well but no name popped up. Can you add me on that one too or is that one not available?
(Aug 1, 2017, 10:26 AM)moo311 Wrote: Add me! My FC is 5086-6152-8209 and I'm pretty sure that my safari is a rock type and I definitely know that boldore is in it.

Added you but a name didn't pop up. Can you add me?

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