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Favorite Kirby Titles
C'mon, where's the love for the Super Tuff Pink Puff (and no, I don't mean Jigglypuff Kappa )

My favorite is Kirby's Adventure for the NES. So much fun! What about you guys? What are your favorite Kirby games?
Kirby and the amazing mirror, i played it so much i can get every area without beating a boss, and i think the fastest i beat it was like 2 and a half hours
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Kirby Air Ride for the Gamecube. That game was incredibly fun.
[align=center]Started by apeing gates, touching Triforces, and blaming Levi

Now I'm here with a fancy sword, smiling at all the burrito chokes, the blue shells, and the shiny catches.

Kirby Dream land.
Nightmare in dreamland, it was the first Kirby game that I played, and I still play it from time to time.
Kirby Air Ride was the shiz!
Kirby's Dream Land, definitely.

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