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[GIVEAWAY] 4-6 IV x5 Kangaskhan, x4 Snorlax and x3 Weedle left[Open]

Hey not sure if you're still doing this but here is my request anyway.

Pokemon wanted: Kangaskhan
Pokemon deposited: Frillish
Gender: Female
level: 25
IGN: Filthynerd
Message: Rattus

Thanks in advance  :D
(Mar 5, 2016, 03:35 AM)Fattus_Rattus Wrote: It seems that this Giveaway has come to a halt "/ Please give me a shout today if you would like one of the Poke's before I Close the Giveaway. I know its kind of a crappy Giveaway but its my first so had to start somewhere x))

If you have already recieved a Pokemon feel free to ask for the other 2 now. So 3 Pokes per person ")))

If you all could try to deposit unpopular pokemon above level 10, ill be able to find you way easier and there will be less chance of snipage "p

Thanks Rattus "):D")
Ok I´ll gladly take a pokemon :D
Pokemon deposited:Altaria
Pokemon wanted: weedle
Yeah ofcourse guys still got the Giveaway pokemon in the trade box ") 

@filthynerd  @Anton i cant find either of you guys, if you have withdrawn for another giveaway or have been sniped, please redeposit some pokemans ") 

PM me when your ready !
pokemon wanted: snorlax
pokemon depossited: Jolteon
level: 53
IGN: Sirius
message: Rattus

@OdysseusHestia  Sniped i think "( Can you guys add my friend code so we can direct trade. Ill add you 3 now, problem solved ")
(Mar 13, 2016, 10:56 AM)Fattus_Rattus Wrote: @OdysseusHestia  Sniped i think "( Can you guys add my friend code so we can direct trade. Ill add you 3 now, problem solved ")
Ok m8, Im adding you rn :D
I'm ready
pokemon wanted: snorlax
pokemon depossited: snorlax
level: 15
gender: male
IGN: Karol
message: Rattus
Cool got ya both, ready when you are ")

@Rurek  Sent ") Enjoy !!
(Mar 13, 2016, 12:29 PM)Fattus_Rattus Wrote: Cool got ya both, ready when you are ")

@Rurek  Sent ") Enjoy !!
Im ready now, just did some school work :D

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