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[GIVEAWAY] Amethyst 0mega Presents: Legit BR Signature Pokemon!
@PerfectPenguin7 Sorry, still not seeing it. Was it sniped?
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
(Jan 23, 2018, 09:20 PM)RetroTyphlosion Wrote: @PerfectPenguin7 Sorry, still not seeing it. Was it sniped?

Give me a moment to put up another one. 
Yes it was sniped.
Got sniped
Info for redoposit:
Pokemon wanted: Emolga
Mankey level: 1
Mankey Gender: female
IGN: Andrew Hier
Redeposited a Lv 10 Mankey Female.
requesting for a lycanroc
IGN: Charles
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles
Nickname: 0mega
I will grab a Typhlosion
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
I'd like an Emolga!

I'll wait until you're on to deposit if that's ok. Nvm you're on now.

Deposited Level 12 Male in an Ultra Ball

@0kamii I still love Emolga Tongue
Thanks for all the good times~
FI put it back up for lvl 41 through 50 gender female ign dark saichi  nickname omega for ninetales
(Jan 23, 2018, 05:21 PM)RetroTyphlosion Wrote: @Sweetstar2001 Yes, you can get a Ninetales. Deposit quick, though. There's only one left!

Edit: Sold out. Sorry!
@RetroTyphlosion Oh ok I'll get Nidoking instead then.
I'll deposit the pokemon once you're online.
*Asking for permission to get a Typhlosion* 

Pokemon wanted: Typhlosion
Mankey Level: 12
Mankey Ball: Quick
Mankey Gender: Female
IGN: Black
Message: I want to fill my Pokédex.

 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
Hi guyz, thanks for this fantastic GA.
Can I have 5 mons? I'm talking about Ninetales, Blastoise, Typhlosion (plscanIhaveonepls), Nidoking and Licanrock.

If yes:

1) Pokemon Wanted: Ninetales
Level of Mankey: 1
Gender of Mankey: M
Pokéball: Quick
IGN: Chicco
Message: Hi, would you like to trade? 

2) Pokemon Wanted: Blastoise
Level of Mankey: 1
Gender of Mankey: M
Pokéball: Quick
IGN: Chicco 
Message: Hi, would you like to trade? 

3) Pokemon Wanted: Typhlosion
Level of Mankey: 1
Gender of Mankey: M
Pokéball: Quick
IGN: Chicco 
Message: Hi, would you like to trade?

4) Pokemon Wanted: Nidoking 
Level of Mankey: 1
Gender of Mankey: M
Pokéball: Quick
IGN: Chicco 
Message: Hi, would you like to trade?

5) Pokemon Wanted: Licanrock
Level of Mankey: 1
Gender of Mankey: M
Pokéball: Quick
IGN: Chicco 
​​​​​​​Message: Hi, would you like to trade?

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