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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
I closed the original to start fresh at page 1. That way, it would be easier to keep track. This is your opportunity to get the items/pokemon you want/need.


1) You can ask for as many pokemon as you would like, but only 4 at a time.
2) This giveaway will be done by GTS so you should only ask for your pokemon once I post your name on the "Done" list. If you want to link trade, you must make an appointment
3) This giveaway will be done by GTS so here's the basic format of asking for the pokemon.
Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute (Only pokemon I will be accepting)
Level of deposited:
Gender of Deposited:
Pokemon requested:
4) GTS trades are prioritized.
5) Please make sure that your pokemon is legal. <------- This is a thread by @gkh1997 that explains what's legal/what's not. You should check it out if you want to know if your request is legal.
6) This thread will close on the 30/31 of every month and reopen on the 30/31 of the next month.
7) Once this thread closes, go here If you don't claim your pokemon, it'll be deleted. You can still request pokemon though.
8) If you need something before a certain date, like for a battle or something like that, don't hesitate to PM me as I will make sure you get your pokemon asap. Pm me the sets and a message saying " I have a battle on X/X/XXXX and I need these pokemon: ...,...,... Here are the sets......."However, if you decided to PM me a request because you just want it for no good reason, I will ignore you.
9) If you post a set and it is illegal in any way, I will @ you in a post and notify you what is wrong and how I can fix it. If you do not notify me in a week, I will assume that you want me to correct the errors myself and correct them. If I can't fix it or if there are too many errors, I will notify you with a PM and we can work things out from there.
10) If you have to link trade, I will need to send the request. For some reason, when the other person sends the reqeust, on my end it says "The Connection has been lost" and on the other person's end, it says something like "moo311 has not accepted"
11) Please be patient. After all, I am only one person Smile

Here's the basic format for requesting pokemon.

Region of Pokemon (Optional):
Eggmoves (Optional):
OT (Optional):

You can also do showdown format.

Done List:
@Dova Yveltal
@lelcharmander Charizard
@Sun Juan Mew
@TrainerSun Ninetales
@Warbird Palkia, Entei, Zekrom, Kyogre
@Psixon Zapdos
@Arderico Pinsir, Medicham, Blaziken, Sableye
@Umbremaniac Jolteon
@Mackerel323 Gyarados, Naganadel, Scizor, Lopunny
@TheAlmightySancho Magikarp
@larrylo2000 Landorus
@Obey Mightyena, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Kyogre
@Theoapo Mawile, Togekiss,
@Saichi Mew
@ChivanChang Blaziken, Vulpix
@Drevon10 Luxray
@TedCruzTruZodiac Ditto
@RowletHoagie Arceus
@sater10 Elgyem, Litleo
@geod23 Ponyta
@element_x49 Ambipom, Hitmontop, Whiscash
@Netuno27 Glaceon
@That_cute_pikachu Naganadel, Salamence
@Riola Koko, Seaking, Heliolisk, Arceus
@Cara Rahl Alakazam, Genensect, Marshadow
@spice_cadet Stakataka, Gliscor
@rayqon Kyogre, Politoed, Reshiram, Graveler
@xiaoclare Blaziken
@Sammi Fini
@That_cute_pikachu Scizor


All times in EST (GMT -5)

If you find any errors feel free to PM me or write a post indicating the error.
Hello!  Here are my requests.  Just one for now but I might ask for more later.

Pokemon:  Buzzwole
Shiny:  No
Gender:  Genderless
Nickname:  Boss Gigaton
Level: 65
Nature: Adamant
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Beast Boost
Pokerus: Yes but cured
Region of Pokemon (Optional):  ENG
Pokeball:  Beast Ball
IVS:  31 HP / 31 ATK / 31 DEF (you can make the other IVs garbage, less than 20 each)
EVS:  252 HP / 24 Atk / 116 Def / 12 SpD / 104 Speed
- Lunge
- Hammer Arm
- Bulk Up
- Roost
Relearn Moves (Optional):  Can't
OT (Optional):  HunterX

Also, are these pokemon limited to only what can be done in Sun/Moon or can we ask for things with BP moves from ORAS or something like that?

Thanks!  :D
Pokemon: Giratina
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Any
Nickname: None
Level: 100
Nature: Adamant
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Pressure
Pokerus: Yes
Region Of Pokemon: None
Pokeball: Any
IV's: 6 IV
EV'S: 252 Attack, 120 Def, 120 Special Def, 16 Speed.
Dragon Claw
Shadow Sneak
Aqua Tail
Shadow Force

Pokemon No. 2

Pokemon: Goodra
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Female
Nickname: None
Level: 100
Nature: Modest
Item: Assault Vest
Ability: Gooey
Pokerus: Yes
Region of Pokemon (Optional): None
Pokeball: Any
EVS: 252 HP/ 252 Special Attack/ 4 Special Def.
Dragon Pulse
Fire Blast
Sludge Wave

Thanks alot!
And Pokemon No.3

Pokemon: Shuckle
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Male
Nickname: None
Level: 100
Nature: Careful
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Pokerus: Yes
Region of Pokemon (Optional): ENG
Pokeball: Luxury Ball
EVS: 252 HP/ 128 Defence/ 128 Special Defence
Mud Slap
OT: Sliph Co.
Hi, may i ask if Mega Diancie is legal?, if not here are my request. Thank you Smile also may i ask if these 3 are legal too?

Pokemon: Lucario
Shiny: No
Gender: Male 
Level: 100
Nature: Jolly
Item: Gold Bootle Cap would be nice, any would do
Ability: Justified
Pokerus: -
Region of Pokemon (Optional): None
Pokeball: MoonBall
IVS: 6iv
EVS: 252 Atk /4 Def / 252 Spe
- Sword Dance
- Close Combat
- Bullet Punch
- Iron Tail

Pokemon: Sylveon
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Female
Nickname: Crystal
Level: 100
Nature: Modest
Item: Choice Specs
Ability: Pixelate
Pokerus: -
Region of Pokemon (Optional): None
Pokeball: Loveball
IVS: 6iv
EVS: 240 HP/4 Def/252 SpA/12 Spe
- Hyper Voice
- Hidden Power (Fire)
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball

Pokemon: Aegislash
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Male
Nickname: Excalibur
Level: 100
Nature: Sassy
Item: Left over
Ability: Stance Change
Pokerus: -
Region of Pokemon (Optional): None
Pokeball: Any
IVS: 5iv / 0 Speed IV
EVS: 252 HP/4 Def/252 SpD
- Kings shield
- Toxic
- Gyro Ball
- Shadow Ball
This is awesome, @moo311! I would like to make a resquest, but I can only claim my pokemon from late August onwards (I'll be offline in the summer vacations), so how can I do it?  Smile
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
Pokemon: Armaldo
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Nature: Adamant
Item: Metagrossite
Ability: Swift Swim
Pokerus: No
Pokeball: Pokeball
EVS: 252 HP 252 ATT 4 SpD
Moves: Curse
           Knock Off
           Cross Poison
           Aqua Jet
Can not be traded over GTS

Pokemon: Gliscor
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Nature: Adamant
Item: Assault Vest
Ability: Poison Heal
Pokerus: No
Pokeball: Pokeball
EVS: 252 HP 252 Att 4 SpD
Moves: Stealth Rock
           Cross Poison
           Bug Bite
Can not be traded over GTS

Pokemon: Crawdaunt
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Nature: Adamant
Item: Scizorite
Ability: Adaptability
Pokerus: No
Pokeball: Pokeball
EVS: 252 HP 252 Att 4 SpD
Moves: Aqua Jet
           Dragon Dance
           Knock Off
Can not be traded over GTS

My FC: 3952 - 7332 - 2068

Thank you so much :D
Pokemon:Nidran male
Nature:dont care
Item:lucky egg
Ability: dont care
Region of Pokemon (Optional): dont care
EVS:dont care
Moves:bide earthquake horn drill
Pokemon Deposited:Magikarp 
Level of deposited:1
Gender of Deposited:male
Pokemon requested:the one above
Hi Smile I would really like Darkrai, Diancie and Hoopa, but I'm wondering if this is possible, since they are all event pokémon? If it's possible, here's the pokémon I want:

Pokemon: Darkrai
Shiny: no
Gender: -
Level: 50
Nature: any
Item: Enigma Berry
Ability: Bad Dreams
Pokerus: no
Pokeball: Cherish Ball
EVS: 252 HP/ 252 attack / 4 special defense
Moves: Dark Void, Dream Eater, Dark Pulse, Phantom Force

Pokemon: Diancie
Shiny: no
Gender: - 
Level: 50
Nature: any
Item: Diancite
Ability: Clear body
Pokerus: no
Pokeball: Cherish Ball
EVS: 252 HP/ 252 attack / 4 special defense
Moves: Diamond Storm, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Protect

Pokemon: Hoopa
Shiny: no
Gender: -
Level: 50
Nature: any
Item: Focus Sash
Ability: Magician
Pokerus: no
Pokeball: Cherish Ball
EVS: 252 HP/ 252 attack / 4 special defense
Moves: Hyperspace Hole, Nasty Plot, Psychic, Astonish

My FC is: 4614 - 1460 - 9652
Thank you so much!
Pokemon: Groudon
Shiny: no
Level: 100
Nature: Brave
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Drought
Pokeball: Premier Ball
IVS: 5 Ivs, 0 Speed
EVS: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- Precipice Blades
- Fire Punch
- Rock Slide
- Protect

Pokemon: Ho-Oh
Shiny: no
Level: 100
Nature: Careful
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Regenerator
Pokeball: Premier Ball
IVS: 6 Ivs
EVS: 92 HP / 212 Atk / 156 Def / 44 SpD / 4 Spe
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Substitute
- Recover

Shiny: no
Level: 100
Nature: Bold
Item: Ability Capsule
Ability: Fairy Aura
Pokeball: Premier Ball
IVS: 6 Ivs
EVS: 140 HP / 236 Def / 60 SpA / 4 SpD / 68 Spe
- Geomancy
- Dazzling Gleam
- Moonblast
- Protect

Thank u! Smile

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