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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
@Sun Juan i can trade that time today (saturday)
@element_x49 Hitmontop can't have egg moves
@That_cute_pikachu Ash greninja can't be genned. Shiny fly/surf pikachu is illegal
Done List:
@Dova Yveltal
@lelcharmander Charizard
@Sun Juan Mew
@Adridia03 Naganadel
@TrainerSun Ninetales
@Warbird Palkia, Entei, Zekrom, Kyogre
@Psixon Zapdos
@Arderico Pinsir, Medicham, Blaziken, Sableye
@Umbremaniac Jolteon
@Mackerel323 Gyarados, Naganadel, Scizor, Lopunny
@TheAlmightySancho Corphish, Magikarp
@larrylo2000 Landorus
@Obey Mightyena, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Kyogre
@Theoapo Mawile, Togekiss,
@Saichi Mew
@ChivanChang Blaziken, Vulpix
@Drevon10 Luxray
@TedCruzTruZodiac Ditto
@RowletHoagie Arceus
@sater10 Elgyem, Litleo
@Keith_Kuruzu 2 Shroomish
@PerchPond Bulu, Zapdos
@geod23 Ponyta
@Cara Rahl Gengar, Arceus, Deoxys, Marshadow
@rayqon 2 Necrozma, Dialga, Zekrom
@element_x49 Primeape, Ambipom, Hitmontop, Whiscash
@Netuno27 Eevee
@That_cute_pikachu Naganadel, Salamence
@Riola Koko, Seaking, Heliolisk, Arceus

@ me if there's a problem

Great ^^

Here comes the first of this set :

Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Female
Ball: Quick ball
Pokemon requested: Gengar
Level: 91-100
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thanks  Blush
(Feb 24, 2018, 06:11 AM)moo311 Wrote: Done List:
@Dova Yveltal
@lelcharmander Charizard
@Sun Juan Mew
@Adridia03 Naganadel
@TrainerSun Ninetales
@Warbird Palkia, Entei, Zekrom, Kyogre
@Psixon Zapdos
@Arderico Pinsir, Medicham, Blaziken, Sableye
@Umbremaniac Jolteon
@Mackerel323 Gyarados, Naganadel, Scizor, Lopunny
@TheAlmightySancho Corphish, Magikarp
@larrylo2000 Landorus
@Obey Mightyena, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Kyogre
@Theoapo Mawile, Togekiss,
@Saichi Mew
@ChivanChang Blaziken, Vulpix
@Drevon10 Luxray
@TedCruzTruZodiac Ditto
@RowletHoagie Arceus
@sater10 Elgyem, Litleo
@Keith_Kuruzu 2 Shroomish
@PerchPond Bulu, Zapdos
@geod23 Ponyta
@Cara Rahl Gengar, Arceus, Deoxys, Marshadow
@rayqon 2 Necrozma, Dialga, Zekrom
@element_x49 Primeape, Ambipom, Hitmontop, Whiscash
@Netuno27 Eevee
@That_cute_pikachu Naganadel, Salamence
@Riola Koko, Seaking, Heliolisk, Arceus

@ me if there's a problem
That was fast! XD
First one.
Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Female
Ball: Quick ball
Pokemon requested: Tapu Koko
Level: 91-100
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.
Thanks  Smile
@moo311  thank you very much

Second Eevee

Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute
Level of deposited: 45
Gender of Deposited: Female
Ball: Ultra Ball
Pokemon requested: Eevee (Modest, please)
Level: 1-10
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
ok first one
necrozma does not matter wich one first Smile
lvl 1 exeggcute female 

want to fill my pokedex

thanks in advance
@moo311 can you direct trade now???
@Cara Rahl We have to link trade
@Riola Enjoy Smile
@Netuno27 I don't see it Sad
@rayqon Enjoy Smile
@That_cute_pikachu What time?
@moo311 right now??

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