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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
(Jul 3, 2017, 08:42 PM)moo311 Wrote: Pokemon:Tapu Fini
Gender:Without gender
Level: 80-60
Item: None
Ability: Normal ability
Pokerus: Yes
Region of Pokemon (Optional):
Pokeball: Sub Ball
IVS: All-31
EVS: AtkSp=252 DfSp=124 Df=124
Moves: Any, (I will choose them next)
Eggmoves (Optional):
OT (Optional):
Hey moo311 can you trade now???
@moo311 can you do a ash caped pikachu
thank you... are you still holding my pokemon?

Deposited: Exeggcute, Female Level 45
Requested: Littleo
IGN: さと

Deposited: Exeggcute, male Level 40
Requested: Elgyem
IGN: サト
Sorry I was having internet problems when do u want to trade for mew
@element_x49 I don't see it Sad
@sater10 I don't see it Sad
@That_cute_pikachu Yes
@Saichi Can you trade 8 PM EST Friday?
I can Big Grin
@moo311 can you trade now???
Pokemon: isle
Shiny: yes
Gender: female
Level: 100
Nature: jolly
Item: scizorite
Ability: technician 
Pokerus: yes
Region of Pokemon (Optional):
Pokeball: pokeball
IVS: all 6
EVS: 252 Atk/129spdef/129spe
swords dance 
bullet punch
x scissor 
Eggmoves (Optional):
OT (Optional):   DD

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