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[GIVEAWAY] Any pokemon you want/need (Legal)
Thank you in advance! These are pokemon obtainable via Dream Radar

Pokemon: Spiritomb
Level: 40
Gender: Female
Nickname: Do not nickname
Ability: Infiltrator (HA)
Nature: Adamant
Item: Black Glasses
IVS: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVS: None
Pokeball: Dream Ball
Shiny: No
- Destiny Bond
- Pain Split
- Shadow Sneak
- Nightmare

Pokemon: Rotom (Wash)
Level: 40
Gender: N/A
Nickname: Do not nickname
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold
Item: Leftovers
IVS: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVS: None
Pokeball: Dream Ball
Shiny: No
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split
Pokemon: Froakie
Level: 5
Gender: M
Nickname: (none)
Ability: Protean
Nature: Naive
Item: Life Orb
IVS: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVS: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Pokeball: Luxury ball
Shiny: Yes

Pokemon: Raquaza
Level: 100
Gender: N/A
Nickname: (none)
Ability: Air Lock
Nature: Naive
Item: Life Orb
IVS: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVS: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Pokeball: Luxury ball
Shiny: Yes
- Dragon Ascent
- Draco Meteor
- Extreme Speed
- Earthquake

Thanks so much!!
@moo311 glad to see youve returned :D generous as always <3
Pokemon: Woobat
Level: 92
Gender: Female
Ability: Simple
Nature: Timid
Item: Heavy Ball
IVS: All Maxed
EVS: 6HP / 252SpAtk / 252Spd
Pokeball: Dream Ball
Shiny: Yes Please ~
- Air Slash
- Calm Mind
- Heat Wave
- Stored Power
Wanted to throw you a bit of a curve ball :p if you find the time itd be massively appreciated, hope your luck turns and thanks a bunch for doing all this !!
Pokémon: Rayquaza
No Nickname
Shiny: Yes
Level: 100
Nature: Jolly
IVs: All
EVs:252 Attack
        252 Speed
Item: Life Orb
Ball: Master Ball
Moves: Dragon Claw
              Dragon Ascent
              Dragon Dance
              Rock Slide

Second Pokémon: Meloetta
No Nickname
Not Shiny
Level: 100
Nature: Neutral
IVs: All
EVs: 252 Speed
       128 Attack
       128 Special Attack
Item: Coice Scarf
Ball: Cherish Ball
Moves: Relic Song

When do I have to deposit something?
And how will you trade Meloetta?
Big Thanks anyways!
Pokemon: Diancie
Level: 50
Gender: N/A
Nickname: (none)
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Naive
Item: Diancite
IVS: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVS: 8 Atk / 248 SpA / 252 Spe
Pokeball: Event ball
Shiny: no
- Moonblast
- Diamond Storm
- Hidden power fire
- Protect

Pokemon: Shaymin (Land Forme)
Level: 30
Gender: N/A
Nickname: (none)
Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Timid
Item: Normal Gem
IVS: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVS: 4 SpD/ 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Pokeball: Heal Ball
Shiny: yes Smile
- Seed Flare
- Dazzling Gleam
- Psychic
- Synthesis
@stevebs11 Xerneas can only be in cherish ball so I kept it in a cherish ball.
@willong 6 IV HP ice is impossible so I made the IVS match.
@atonementblade They can't be shiny so I'll keep them non shiny pokemon.
@Murkus Gengar can only be in a dusk ball so I'll keep it in a dusk ball.
@exclu10 Breloom can't be in a kurt ball so I put it in a luxury ball and charizard can't have 6 IV and HP ice so I made the ivs match.
@TrueBlue You're not supposed to deposit a pokemon into the gts until I'm done. I want you to be able to participate in other giveaways.
@BoneheadMarowak I mean legal in general.
@Mertzstache Rayquaza can only be in cherish ball.
@wartty Woobat can't be in a dream ball so I put it in a luxury ball.
@FFGaming Rayquaza can only be in cherish ball. Deposit a pokemon when you see your name on the done list. If meloetta can't be traded throught gts (I don't see why it wouldn't be able to. It's legal), we'll link trade.
@patriciasiahu Diancite isn't in S/M yet so I'll put a master ball on it and shaymin's event only lets it be level 100 and can't be shiny.
Pokemon Deposited:Vulpix
Level of deposited:Lv1
Gender of Deposited:Female
Pokemon requested:Breloom and Charizard
Message:I want to fill my Pokedex.
@exclu10 Enjoy Smile And next time, please specify which pokemon you are requesting.
(Mar 12, 2017, 05:34 AM)moo311 Wrote: @exclu10 Enjoy Smile And next time, please specify which pokemon you are requesting.

Ohh okay! Thanks alot :D
I've deposited the same thing for Charizard
pokemon deposited: caterpie 
level: 12
ign: Ares
gender: Female
requesting: meloetta

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