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[GIVEAWAY] Breeding resources! (6 IV Shiny JPN HA Dittos, Items, Insta-hatch, etc.)
Alright, so if you need anything to help with your breeding you've come to the right place.

What I have to offer:

Ditto [JPN] @ Destiny Knot
Ability: Imposter
Shiny: Yes

They are shiny Japanese 6IV HA Dittos by default. I have 5 of each nature. I also have them with their normal ability, and you can choose a different item if you prefer, from the list below.

- Everstone
- Destiny Knot
- Power Weight
- Power Belt
- Power Weight
- Power Lens
- Power Band
- Power Anklet
- Lucky Egg

If you'd like multiples of the items, have Pokemon ready to scrap. I will be trading you 'mons holding the items you want.

- Insta-hatch eggs

I can instantly hatch eggs for you if you'd like. Just trade me the eggs and I can mass-hatch them quickly. Usually I keep the breedjects and just trade you the ones you'd like to have less trading to do, but I can trade you all of them back upon request. One box per person per time, please.

Alright, so if you'd like a Ditto or anything else, just reply with this info below-

What do you need?
Ditto- Ability, Nature, Item
Items- Which item, how many
Insta-hatch- How many eggs

Thanks for reading! Have a nice day Smile
I do stuffs.

How to Pokegen

An Adamant Ditto with an Everstone would be great!
Wait, you can trade Shiny charms?
I'm just here.

(Jun 22, 2015, 03:23 PM)GingerxPug Wrote: Wait, you can trade Shiny charms?

i thought it was a key item
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Same, but if you can trade that, then I NEEEEEEEED IIIIIIIT!!! Kappa
I'm just here.

I would like a timid ditto holding the power bracer
Whoops, I just copy pasted the list of breeding items from the Internet so that Shiny Charm got in there. If I ever afford to get PkHex then I can get Pokemon to hold a charm kappa
I do stuffs.

How to Pokegen

could i get a ditto adamant plz
I'd like an adamant ditto (holding a power anklet) as well Smile
If possible could I get a timid ditto holding an everstone
Past Giveaways:
Unova water and fire starters with HA's
Chimchar with HA's and egg moves
HA Gible
HA Sableye
HA Minccino
BR HA feraligatr
BR Mega Gallade
BR Garchomp
BR Terrakion
BR Shiny Dragonite

Feel free to PM for info on past giveaways might have some left over

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