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[GIVEAWAY] (CLosed)Free-VGC-Br Legends/Free Shiny Br poke/DittoIVS//StartersHA
Hey this is my 4th request, I hope it is still okay!

Name: Justin
Pokemon deposited: Swinub
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Message: Angel

Entei please! Once again, thanks for the giveaway and your generosity!
The Thread has been updated with a new br Spooky pokemon(LIEPARD SHINY). Who didn't get the desired poke pm me and i will send ya a new one. Goodnights. If the Status is ''OFFLINE;;'' don't deposit a poke to prevent being sniped.
Name: Hatred
Pokemon deposited: Goomy
Gender: Male
Level of Pokemon: 1
Message on GTS: Angel

Could i get a Liepard please??
IGN: Patrick
LF: Umbreon
Pokemon Deposited: Phione
Gender: None
Level: 1
Message: Angel
Omg, shiny male Meowstic please!!!!!

Ign: kawaii chan
Pokemon deposited: Torchic
Gender: male
Level: 1
Message on GTS: Angel
Sylveon, use destroy everything!
It's super effective ~♥
You are SOO amazing, thank you so much! I am so excited about my Meowstic. ♥♥
Sylveon, use destroy everything!
It's super effective ~♥
can i have carracosta please :
deposited a lvl 1 protean froakie
gender any
level any
message ANGEL
ign is mammoth
Pls Mawile Wink

Deposit:Eevee Lv 1 male
Pls Umbreon with toxic
IGN :knightmare
Message: angel
Deposit: taillow lv 8 male
If there is still a shiny Mawile available I would love one.

Name: Atri
Pokemon Deposited: Mightyena
Gender of Pokemon: Male
Level of Pokemon: 18
Message on GTS: Shi mawile

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