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[GIVEAWAY] [Closed] 5IV Noibats w/ Egg Moves! [Waiting for people to claim Reserved]
(Jan 30, 2016, 05:24 PM)BoneheadMarowak Wrote:
Heyo guys, this is gonna be my first giveaway! I'm giving away 5 IV Timid Infiltrator Noibats with the egg moves, Tailwind & Switcheroo. There'll be more giveaways in the future as well! ^_^

        [Image: Noibat.full.1611460.jpg]

                    Pokemon: Noibat [3 LEFT] (1 Reserved)
Nickname: None
Pentagon: yes
Level: 1
Item: None
Shiny: No
Nature: Timid
Ability: Infiltrator

Reserved: crimerald

Exclamation Rules Exclamation
One per person. First come, first serve. If you aren't available to trade at the moment, then you are free to reserve one. Giveaways are done through direct trade. These are all self-bred, so a +1 rep, while not required, would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, can I have one? Already addedd you!

FC: 4055 - 4644 - 0384
Can i have one please :D


FC: 1221 - 9771 - 3356

I have been waiting for this day to happen 

Noibat 5IV and egg moves  :D :D

btw I added you and I am online rn :D
I'd like one please. 

My FC: 2767-2157-0705
I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@OverLordBacon, @Benjamin1830, @AurisxD 

Your Noibats have all been reserved! Smile
(Jan 31, 2016, 12:40 AM)Julio Cesar Andino Coello Wrote: Sorry Mate! Here is in Numbers: 4614-0549-2276

It's all good, I added you, so just let me know when you're online!
@Ivson, @Anton, @Flapster, @Swimmingpenguin791

I have all of you added, so just let me know when you're online! :D
Also, @Swimmingpenguin791, I added you as Jake, not sure if that matters or not
Can i reserve one?
Dosent matter! @BoneheadMarowak ill add you and ill be online!
(Jan 31, 2016, 11:27 AM)Swimmingpenguin791 Wrote: Dosent matter!  @BoneheadMarowak ill add you and ill be online!

Enjoy your Noibat! :D

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