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[GIVEAWAY] Contrary Snivy (Closed)
Is it possible for me to get one?
IGN: Patrick
Could you spare one for me as well? IGN Greg
Hello everyone! I'm at work right now but I'll be on in a few hours. And I definitely will have enough for everyone who has posted! Right now, I have about 30 bred.
So you're going to ask me for a Contrary Snivy, then make another topic to give it away and shut me out??
I'll take one :D
IGN: Johnny
FC: 5043-4173-0605

Thank you!! :D
can i have one?

FC: 2466-3713-4440

IGN: nowere

i added you
If possible I would like one. IGN Cobb
id like a snivy, but i wont be on till 3 pm.

ign jordan

fc to the left
(Jan 9, 2015, 10:07 AM)MagnusHexem Wrote: So you're going to ask me for a Contrary Snivy, then make another topic to give it away and shut me out??

No. I actually got a Snivy minutes after posting and I forgot about that post. I do understand why you’re mad though. I’m just trying to be helpful with the community and giving out these Snivys. In the last few days, people have given me a bunch of Pokemon for basically charity, and that is awesome! So in return, I’d like to do the same. I’m not asking for anything, and to be honest, these Snivys are not perfect. They have no egg moves, and the IVs are not always perfect. But if people want a template or just want it in general, that’s what I’m here for. Again I’m sorry, and if I can make it up to you, I will. But I’m trying to be nice. Haha besides, you have way more responses and views on your thread! But I understand how you feel, and I did what I did with the best of intentions! I’m sorry!
Also guys I am online now. I've added everyone who has responded, and if you still want one, just add me back or contact me. My IGN is Clark, and I should be on for a few hours doing some stuff!

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