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[GIVEAWAY] FromYoursTruly Breed Shop/Free Giveaway
[Image: tumblr_n48tthD7RY1r2en1ko1_400.gif]
Welcome to FromYoursTruly Breed Shop
There will be a few rules (more will be added as the time go):

1. If you request for one egg it will take less then half a day, the more you ask for the longer it might take but I will try my best to get it within a day
2. If you request for more then 3 eggs, I ask that you don't give all early Pokemon, sorry for the inconvenience
3. I will take breeding request from 7 people at a time to avoid confusion with other people's egg
Pokemon egg:

[Image: pokemon_eggs_by_adder_adz.jpg]

Hope the egg you receive helps you on your journey!! Smile
If you need help to evolve Pokemon from trading just ask and if you need any other help don't hesitate to ask, I might be able to help even if I don't know much
Pokemon egg:
-Timid Charmander
-Timid Ralts
-Adamant Timburr

IGN: Soap
(Dec 25, 2015, 08:15 PM)liftlobby Wrote: Pokemon egg:
-Timid Charmander
-Timid Ralts
-Adamant Timburr

IGN: Soap
I'm not sure if I can get the natures right but I could still breed them for you
Alright I deeply appreciate though Smile
(Dec 25, 2015, 10:00 PM)liftlobby Wrote: Alright I deeply appreciate though Smile
If you still want, the egg you want are ready.
Okay so how do we go abt it?
Can i have the Chespin,Eevee, and Corphish egg?
Do they come with 5iv and Hidden Ability?
(Dec 26, 2015, 01:49 AM)RSubangkit Wrote: Can i have the Chespin,Eevee, and Corphish egg?
Do they come with 5iv and Hidden Ability?
That I'm not sure but I could still breed for you
If you can handle it, i would like: A Timid Noibat with 31/0/31/31/31/31
A Timid Aerodactyl also with 31/0/31/31/31/31
and an Adamant Dratini with 31/31/31/0/31/31

If you can't give me the exact Nature and IVs, its fine. I'll just get the pokemon.

FC: 0748-5135-4368

I have a question, is the mystery egg like any pokemon you have in the list?
(Dec 26, 2015, 09:50 PM)DerpBidoof Wrote: If you can handle it, i would like:  A Timid Noibat with 31/0/31/31/31/31
                                               A Timid Aerodactyl also with 31/0/31/31/31/31
                                         and an Adamant Dratini with 31/31/31/0/31/31

If you can't give me the exact Nature and IVs, its fine. I'll just get the pokemon.

FC: 0748-5135-4368

I have a question, is the mystery egg like any pokemon you have in the list?
The mystery egg are the pokemon listed there plus a chance to get a phione egg and I'm not sure if I could give you those nature and iv but I can still get you the eggs

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