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[GIVEAWAY] Genning [Gen 7 only]
(Jun 30, 2019, 06:04 AM)moo311 Wrote: @Arathriel Enjoy Smile

Sorry if I didn't make it clear, just edited the rule to say if you claim your pokemon, then you can request another one.

OMG, that's really amazing ;o Then this time I could request something for myself *.* I think I'v got an idea...

Ability: Drought
EVs: 212 Atk / 144 HP / 152 Spe
Mild Nature
- Giga Impact
- Precipice Blades
- Earthquake
- Hammer Arm

Deposited Luxray, male, lvl 52.
IGN: PokéMaster

Shiny, IVs 5 max excluding SpA, with ot PokéMaster. Thanx alot, You are really amazing! Smile
@PyukuMyMuku Yeah, unlimited requests as long as you request 1 at a time and claim them within 2 weeks. I don't want anything in return; after doing giveaways for so long, I learned that it's all about making people happy Smile
@Pwimawh_Kiogah Enjoy Smile
@Arathriel Basewd on your pokemon composition, I assumed that you meant impish nature (+def, -spa) instead of mild nature (-def, +spa) so I put that. If you wanted mild nature, then I'll make another one and send it.
(Jun 30, 2019, 12:40 PM)moo311 Wrote: @PyukuMyMuku Yeah, unlimited requests as long as you request 1 at a time and claim them within 2 weeks. I don't want anything in return; after doing giveaways for so long, I learned that it's all about making people happy Smile
@Pwimawh_Kiogah Enjoy Smile
@Arathriel Basewd on your pokemon composition, I assumed that you meant impish nature (+def, -spa) instead of mild nature (-def, +spa) so I put that. If you wanted mild nature, then I'll make another one and send it.
Again thank you so much! This is by far one of the ones I’ve waited so long to have an opportunity for. I think since 2017! Definitely another rep.
(Jun 30, 2019, 12:40 PM)moo311 Wrote: @PyukuMyMuku Yeah, unlimited requests as long as you request 1 at a time and claim them within 2 weeks. I don't want anything in return; after doing giveaways for so long, I learned that it's all about making people happy Smile
@Pwimawh_Kiogah Enjoy Smile
@Arathriel Basewd on your pokemon composition, I assumed that you meant impish nature (+def, -spa) instead of mild nature (-def, +spa) so I put that. If you wanted mild nature, then I'll make another one and send it.

Wow! Thankyou, I really appreciate it, how long have you been doing this for?

For another Poké, I’d like:

Shiny Croconaw
level 100
abilty: Sheer force
Jolly nature
max IVS And Max EVS in Attack and speed
- Dragon Dance
- Ice punch 
​​​​​​- Thrash
- Aqua jet 

deposited Golduck Level 61, Male IGN Rose
thank you very much!
@PyukuMyMuku Enjoy Smile
(Jul 1, 2019, 09:11 AM)moo311 Wrote: @PyukuMyMuku Enjoy Smile

Ah thanks! I used to have a shiny sheer force croconaw who I used to breed HA totodiles from but I accidentally wondertraded it once and have been desperate to get another one! Thank you so much :-)
(Jun 28, 2019, 07:51 AM)moo311 Wrote: Hello there! I’m kind of new to this whole concept, so please forgive me if I suck at this. If the following isn’t possible because I didn’t read the darn rules right, try scrolling down for a valid offer.

Victini @ Master Ball  
Ability: Victory Star  
Level: 50  
Shiny: Yes
-Searing Shot
-Shadow Ball

Tsareena @ Leftovers
Ability: Leaf Guard
Level: 100
Shiny: Yes

(I deposited a Level 91, female sylveon. Also let me know if Victini doesn’t work.)

Before I go, I just want to say thank you for the joy you’ve given to the community! As you can tell, we all really appreciate your good deeds!  Big Grin
@Lemonade Boss Victini is illegal. Your gts pokemon is gone, probably sniped. Put up another one and I'll send the tsareena
(Jul 4, 2019, 09:39 AM)moo311 Wrote: I’m such a doofus. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll take back Sylveon and put up a level 1 Honedge because people keep on trading with me.(Thanks for putting up with me. I didn’t realize USUM had a different trading system than Oras.)

I still can’t believe the shiny Pokémon that I’ve tried to hunt for hundreds of times is finally arriving soon!
@Lemonade Boss Enjoy Smile

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