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[GIVEAWAY] Get Ready for...2016's PKMN World CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! [CLOSED]
Can we trade?
@EmarM enjoy!
@BoneheadMarowak I assumed that you only want the pachirisu. Anyways enjoy
@Trompelemonde sent! Depends...I revised the Pikachu's IVs to be HP Ice. The HM moves cannot carry on the next generation though. I'll like to see you try.
@Loha I added your other friend code. Be Ready to be online.
@HallowedLeone Enjoy!
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
@nightburstpkmn OH right, I just added you, thanks so much for the Pachirisu btw!

FC: 3840-8367-6861
IGN: Cero
Thanks for the pokemon!
Ok Guys I'm going offline. Don't know where you guys are, but I'm going to bed. If I'm offline, just add my giveaway friend code; don't deposit any pokemon in the GTS; I won't giveaway the other 2 pokemon if you do. Anyways, GNight
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
Pokemon Wanted: Machamp
FC: 4914-7540-5980 (i Added u)
IGN: Anesca
ANd Thx! Smile
FC: 0276-1719-8676
IGN: Sato
For all of them if it's allowed.
I added you
FC: 1607-4715-8048
IGN: Karol
For all of them if it's possible.
Pokemon requested: Pachirisu
Pokemon deposited: Helioptile
Gender of deposited: Male
Level of deposited: 17Message:   2016WC


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