[Image: L9l7eyO.gif]
Type: Ground/Flying
Weaknesses: Water x 2, Ice x 4
Resistances: Electricity (immune), Fighting x 0.5, Poison x 0.5, Ground (immune), Bug x 0.5
Ability: Intimidate (lowers opponents’ attack by one stage)
Base Stats: HP: 89, ATK: 145, DEF: 90, Sp. ATK: 105, Sp. DEF: 80, SPE: 91
Landorus-T @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk + SpDef 4 + 252 Spe
Rock Slide
Stone Edge
I am trading 48 of them through GTS, set your message to : SjoerdDN
Deposit a Whismur and leave your IGN in your comment.
I am not particularly holding onto them, unless the demand is quite low. If not, then first come first serve.
I'd appreciate a + reputation in return enjoy! :D
They're cloned obviously!
Type: Ground/Flying
Weaknesses: Water x 2, Ice x 4
Resistances: Electricity (immune), Fighting x 0.5, Poison x 0.5, Ground (immune), Bug x 0.5
Ability: Intimidate (lowers opponents’ attack by one stage)
Base Stats: HP: 89, ATK: 145, DEF: 90, Sp. ATK: 105, Sp. DEF: 80, SPE: 91
Landorus-T @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk + SpDef 4 + 252 Spe
Rock Slide
Stone Edge
I am trading 48 of them through GTS, set your message to : SjoerdDN
Deposit a Whismur and leave your IGN in your comment.
I am not particularly holding onto them, unless the demand is quite low. If not, then first come first serve.
I'd appreciate a + reputation in return enjoy! :D
They're cloned obviously!

“BLEH!”- A sophisticated Shuppet.
“BLEH!”- A sophisticated Shuppet.