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[GIVEAWAY] Last chance to get 10 Legendary Pokemon.{Final Trades HappenTommorow thru Friday}
(Jan 24, 2015, 05:44 PM)leponzitro Wrote: Hope the people who got theirs enjoyed them. Taking a break now to make dinner and to also delete and add FC. My friends list is maxed out. For those of you who have not added me I am forced to delete you to make room for those who have added me. When you add me let me know.

Also if I accidentally delete your FC even though you have not gotten yours please let me know

I still have you added, can't seem to get on around the same time you are trading though =[
Love the Legendary trios!!
FC = 5455-9813-2944
IGN: Chris
IGN: Tiris
FC: 2681-1055-3374

Have you added, Would appreciate Keldeo!
hey i already added you last week we just are never on at the same time as each other to trade.
FC: 0920-1751-1544
IGN: Graly

Thanks Smile
Luxury Ball - Because they're worth it.
This is the second time i post, i posted last week so can we trade sometime soon? thanks! Smile
FC : 2895-9180-2168
IGN: Gustav

EDIT: I saw that we are both registered friends already so yeah, let me know via private message when you're ready to trade :D
can i get another set of them please if there is any extra thanks
put my name in plz my friend code is 2766-9531-8477
Good luck to everyone
FC: 3754-7149-2149
IGN: Hannah
when do we find out

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